So Black Winter can take any form he likes and doesn’t seem to have a direct beef with our universe. Rather he was specifically pissed at Galactus.
Is his regular form the black cloud? I’m trying to get a sense of how cates will bring him back and if it will remain a sought after character.
Did anyone get a sense of black winter’s voice as a villain, does it have personality that will make for good arcs?
I have a lot of black winter keys and i’m just wondering. I read through the arc and was entertained, but i’m fuzzy on the character’s ability to keep up this momentum. Cates definitely helps haha
Makes sense, I feel like DC has almost become more money driven recently. Or rather, you can clearly see exactly how DC goes about achieving quarterly goals.
Nonstop Batman and Joker, feel free to blend them with every other character as well to maximize their exposure. Repeat.
I just bought a few VF Thor 169s for $220. I believe it is one of those cheaper Galactus issues that people will seek out who cannot afford his 1st once he hits the big screen and isn’t a purple cloud. Plus it has Black Winters 1st cameo and I am sure Cates will bring that back around sometime
It’s more of an unofficial cameo (not confirmed by Marvel or creators)… it’s likely what inspired Cates writing for Black Winter since he’s based it off Galactus origin story.