Looking for ASM 300 & Opinions

Have you ever played ‘florida man’? :wink:

Yeah, when I submitted my last batch of books the turnaround time was 32 days it’s gone up to 48 since then. I trust their grades as pretty much the standard now but I don’t want them getting lax and hurting the reputation of their grades for books I’ve already invested in.

This reminds me of when I worked at GameStop and people say " I would love to work there!" Or “I bet working there is so much fun!” … the grass ain’t always greener.


One thing I’ve noticed is that while the turn around times have increased dramatically for CGC (which I hear many complaints of)…the turn around times for folks/companies who press have also significantly risen.
I can, of course, only speak to those I know and follow/use…but a few aren’t even taking on new customers & some are nearly 3x the estimated turn around time of a year ago.

For me, never had a bad experience with CGC so I go with them.

I’ve only had good experiences with CGC so far.

Knock on wood, as they say.

I’m a newsstand guy and I’d take the direct edition in the examples given. If it was a 9.0 newsstand I’d get the newsstand.

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Thanks for the help everyone. I pulled the trigger! I ordered the direct edition. I’ve had my eye on it for several months now and finally succumbed to the temptation.


It’s a true blue chip and an asset to any collection. Congrats.

Nice! As soon as Venom 2 starts showing tailors that book will spike in price bigtime…again!

Been waiting on that darn trailer forever so I can finally move some books.

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Those books are moving just fine and increasing in value without any trailers. I can’t imagine when one does drop.

I dunno man…8.5s are rarer than 9.2s in the CGC census!

I kid. And I agree…newsstands are not worth any more that directs in the 80s unless we’re talking 9.6 and up.

Go with the more aesthetically pleasing book which is by far a 9.2.


You’re assuming the 9.2 is more aesthetically pleasing than the 8.5. There could be a myriad of things that cause that two grade bumb for a 9.2 from a 8.5, that don’t ruin the aesthetics. Jus’ sayin’.

He went with the higher grade due to potential returns of the higher grade, not because it looked better. :+1:

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