Madame Web movie

Sony does two things right…

  1. Headphones
  2. Playstation

Everything else just expect to suck… This is why you never go watch Sony movies. They need Marvel’s help by just giving back the rights, cause without Marvel, they’re just losing money trying to make movies.


Well, Spider-Verse movies were amazing, but you’re right about everything else.


Okay, sorry, the animated Spider-Verse movies were actually kind of awesome.

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True, but they make a lot of sub-par “entertainment” overall…outside of Playstation stuff.

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Cast is disavowing the movie. LOL
Sydney Sweeney SNL

I mean it was just a joke. I don’t think that’s disavowing the movie.

Yes, I know.

I watched it last night…all I could think about was how Sweeney would make a great Power Girl…

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I’m actually seeing a lot of negative reviews of her hosting job. It was perfectly average. There have been worst hosts. Vince Vaughn is pretty funny but he hosted a really terrible episode once that had no good sketches. It was just atrocious. Also, that time Elon Musk hosted was pretty bad. Whether you like him or hate him it was a pretty bad episode.

The cast has been gutted the last year or so. The few that have a lot of talent can’t seem to overcome the bad writing this season. I don’t blame Sweeney as the host for the bad skits. Yeah, not great…but better than Dawson…

I thought they’d do a sketch on the Willy Wonka Experience fiasco…totally missed an opportunity…

I have heard of that, empty warehouse that lead to a near riot.

The ironic thing is it was so bad, it’s becoming a cult thing where people want the experience to go on the road to experience how awful it was for themselves.

This “Unknown” character/villain is going to be a popular costume this Halloween, I bet. Character having nothing to do with any movie or books created just for this experience . As if the experience wasn’t traumatizing enough, the 16 year old behind the mask was terrifying children to tears!

Such an easy costume to put together…dark robe, paint a mask silver….carry a long closet mirror around.

According to the script, which is said to be the result of artificial intelligence, The Unknown was an evil rival chocolate maker who lives in walls.

Making chocolate and living in walls…only AI could create something so terrible it’s fantastic!

“AI, write me a script for a sequel to Willie Wonka that will cost $0 to produce, make it as generic as possible.”


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Hey can’t wait for Sony to make that live action Miles Morales movie… :rofl:

Sony execs should get blamed also for messing up these Marvel properties…

Only Venon 1was decent… Morbius was :face_vomiting: Venom 2 was :roll_eyes:

Unless I run out of things to watch Madame Web will be VERY low on the to watch list… If she doesnt want to watch her own movie why should people pay to watch it. :man_shrugging:

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There may be a day when I’m 92 years old; in a nursing home; bed-ridden, and Madame Web will come on the TV in the home.

It will be at that point that I raise myself out of the bed like a phoenix reborn and muster all my remaining might and strength… and change the channel. Then I will see the light and will pass knowing I’m in full peace.


Im not doubting it but daily mail is also a garbage tier “news” site