Heads up for boxing day CHU family. Be well everyone…
What is boxing day?
UK Holiday… celebrated in Canada too.
That’s cool. That’s like Mexico’s second Christmas which is celebrated on January 6th. Known as “Dia De Los Santo Reyes” I think it translates to “Day of the Holy Kings or Saint Kings”
Hey, I want two Christmases!!
Rocky marathon for 24 hours.
Heck yeah… That would be awesome. A Christmas Story for 24 hours straight followed by all of the Rocky movies the next day…
I had no idea that Americans did not ‘celebrate’ Boxing Day. My birthday falls between Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve, so, in one week I have Christmas, Boxing Day, my birthday then New Year’s. Let the good times roll.
I’m down for some Rocky movies.
Right now my boys and I are rewatching all of the star wars movies. We just finished watching the Empire strikes back.
Watch them in machete order!