Marvel Vampire Tales Magazines

I love reading CREEPY magazines, when my LCS gets them, but Up until a few months ago, I think it was Early April, I didn’t know about Marvel Vampire Tales Magazines.

Anyways I picked these up off “the ZON”, along with an OMNIBUS and a Marvel Vampire handbook.

I also prepaid for the Morbius Omnibus… Hope to get more in to the Marvel Vampire Lore… Waiting on the Ghost Rider Omnibus to be created but I think the Marvel Masterworks #281 will have to do, but a good Phantom Rider collected works would also be nice. I am not a fan of “Essentials” because they are black and white, not that I hate that but I want to see the older colors…

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There are a ton of great Marvel Horror mags. Be happy to share. Zombie Tales is good as well.


Those are all solid reads. I love Marvel Magazines myself. They’re chock full of keys, and have some great stories that your average collector misses out on. If you’re a Blade fan you’ve got his first solo story in VT along with that first Satana and Morbius doing what he does best, straight horror. After you finish your horror kick I’d highly recommend Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. There’s some great Shang Chi stories in there, the first appearance of The Steel Serpent, the first Jack of Hearts, first Daughters of the Dragon, first Son’s of the Tiger, first White Tiger (they really liked their tigers) and an amazing Iron Fist story written by Chris Claremont. They packed a lot into their 33 issue run.


I actually got some bids of some of the omnibus on DHofKF and Shang Chi books. I been saying on my facebook posts for the last several years “Shang Chi is coming…”

What is funny is some people were commenting… who is that? And after the movie annoucement, they are like "CRUZZER, do you own a time machine or something…? :grin:

I do miss, but I get a lot more hits then misses.

June 14, 2016
“Jonathan Hickman writing Shang Chi in Avengers 9 and Avengers World 3 I don’t think I’d be fan of Shang Chi as I am now…”

December 3, 2018


I’m sure I got some more posts on FB.

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I will check that one out when I get a chance. Excited for this one.

I will also have to look at this one

A Tales of The Zombie #1 has been a book I’ve always lusted after. That cover is one of the all time greats imo.

Oh yeah, I’d been telling myself forever I needed to pick up his first appearance, but told myself I had time. Hoping any intro to the MCU tanks for him so I can go back to collecting his appearances.

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I have a copy and a copy of Simon Garth’s first appearance in Menace #5. That’s a real hard one to come by and I got lucky to find it. Especially at the price I got it at.

I just picked up Vampire Tales Vol 2 for $6

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