Miles Morales Spider-man #38

Well, this is just story telling in general when it comes to issues and even sort of happens in television episodes. Ends on a cliff hanger, wanting the reader or viewer to come back. If introducing a new character to the story, entices them to want to read or watch the next one coming down the pipeline…

So it’s not just Marvel, it’s just how writers/creators get readers/watchers more intuned… :wink:


if there is a 2nd print 37 with her on cover than 38 will be nuked, which could happen since foc for 38 will already be passed by than so marvel wont care


I just get the sense that 38 is going to be a mega gigantic print run. Do mega gigantic hyped print runs usually work out well? I am trying to think of a prior example of a situation like this and can’t think of anything.

Stop looking at the “print run”. It’s supply vs demand.

And also, what price sellers are asking…

And the available copies on Ebay to buy…

Example… Do you think a book, that has a 2,000 copy “print run”, has ALL available copies on Ebay ?


Any book, at any given time, NEVER has all available copies on Ebay.

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Darth Vader #1 Krrsantan first appearance… several hundred thousand I think and it’s doing quite well on the secondary market. :wink:


I’m not feeling this character. Just don’t like the character design.
It’s about the same excitement to me as Goblin Queen. Got 1 copy of that and thought it was too much. Don’t know why there’s hype for this.


When it doubt, recite the golden rule “He/She could be the next Miles Morales” :wink:


Buy as many or as little number of copies as you like and agree to disagree :rofl:

The recent example that comes to mind is Miracle Molly Batman 108 but many will probably say its DC which doesn’t have the following that Marvel and Miles does.

On the other hand X-Men #1 1991 has like 7 million print copies or Spider Man 1 McFarlane are still worth money, it might just take 30 years :rofl:


I respect your opinion but have had extraordinary gains using the print run metric. Everyone uses their own metrics, regressions, algorithms, etc. Print run is one of my key coefficients and it has substantial value in back testing. But I will do some analysis on “demand”. It’s hard to quantify using my approach. I will give it a try! Thanks!!!

Ps: if anyone has ideas on how to quantify demand. Would love to hear it. Thank you !

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I think one way I try to indirectly quantify demand is ask myself the questions "would Marvel give this character its own series? And would I care enough to read it? If the answer is ‘No’ to either question then I probably would not go heavy. If a giant corporation like Marvel/ Disney isn’t willing or have faith to give the character its own series or tv show, why would I invest my hard earned bucks in it? :thinking:

As an random person on the internet Im not encouraging you to buy or not buy copies. I think buying a couple copies of cover A and Bartel is probably prudent. If you can the variants cheaper than ratio grab them. TFAW will probably have them at ratio price with no discount. Things going for this character is that this is Billie’s first adult appearance even if not 616 and I can potentially see cosplayers dressing up as the character with her stylish hair long on one side and shaved on the other.

On the negative side, every comic related website is on to this book so most stores will get plenty. One thing to keep in mind is that not every “civilian” is following these websites, and if the character catches on, then even a high print run may not be able to satisfy demand.

One thing I’m also considering for myself is space in the house. Considering all the “hot” books that come out week after week I’m not willing to sit on a book for 10, 20, 30 years waiting for it to go up in value or have it end up in the recycle bin.

You all know theres 100k ultimate fallout #4 1st prints it wasn’t low printed at all and goes $3500 9.8


I get that. But that is a once in a generation scenario. Not a grown up appearance from a different dimension of a baby sister for a hero who already appeared in Miles 13 and on the cover of the 2nd print. Oh - and also the potential to appear in 37 but also on a 1:10, 1:25 and 1:50’cover. But I hear what you are saying. Probably just need to stick to the plan (avoid this issue all together) and move on!


She is the next Miles. I keep saying this. Her last name is M-I-L-E-S….what more do you want from her?


Anyway…my gut says the likely massive print run will steer people more towards issue 13 and it’s 2nd print. One of the rare “baby spec pays off” scenarios.

Also would rather take a chance on a 2nd print of 37
With her on the cover if she shows up. Too much hype on 38 too early. Or take a chance on hype to die and pick up the 1:50 for ratio.

I’m not over thinking this one. There’s always another…

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I wonder how many of us have a 9.8 of this… I got mine when it was about $400.

3303 on the CGC census in 9.8.

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depends on when you started collecting, i paid less than 200 for my 9.8. but that was like 2018, while there are 3300 9.8s a lot of those are now in pc collections that wont be sold in most cases


I got the 1:50 on my preorders definitely worth a $35 investment regardless of #37 or baby appearances.


Yeah…I hear ya…I’d grab it for that price too. It’s still a nice cover and may hold value regardless just for that years later.

Fortunately I grabbed 13 off the shelf.

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I know the focus is on Billie - rightly so - but it appears Selim is shaping up to be a villain and Shift is working with Miles. May be worth checking out those first appearances, even if they are clones.


Those are must haves in my book. Look at Ben Reilly Kane. They lasted for a while.

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Spidey characters always get so many clones.

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