Check this out…first appearance of the original Night Nurse!
Apparently new gen 1 copies selling for a stupid amount
Swordmaster 1 2nd print going for a lot. Key collector highlighted it and its a “low print run”
What does “low print run” mean, exactly ?
Its VERY subjective. People just throw it around to sell books and try to increase values.
All comics on my site are ‘low print run’
I sort of agree. One persons definition of low could be completely different from another.
When I think if low print run, my mind is going… oh, 10k or less cause even with the most popular titles barely cracking the 100k mark most releases, 10k is low compared to 50k+. Heck, a book getting 30-50k an issue seems like a hit title nowadays…
All my comics I sell are “never read”…
Anything lower than Spawn #1
they left off a very keyword initially
If you look through the entire issue of Inhumans #5 different parts of her face are shown and if you put those together it reveals her entire face. I don’t like that they say her face isn’t revealed when in totality it actually is. I don’t have any other copies to provide pics but I’m sure someone has it and can post them.
I can check Marvel Unlimited. Give me a few…
Inhumans Is first appearance Black Widow 1 1999 is the first cover the people that made up the shadow cameo for Inhumans are the pump and dumpers that bought up the Natasha cover instead of the Yelena cover for Black widow and needed to convince the sheep they write to why it wasn’t a complete waste of money to buy Black Widow #1 Natasha cover from them.
Yeah bu but but what about marvel knights preview
Yelenas on the back of the Natasha cover so still a cover appearance. You basically see her entire face except her right eye.
Everybody knows the right eye is the make or break for a full appearance! That’s just a back cameo cover!