To put things in perspective I paid $10 for my Fantastic Four #52 and that was won in auction on eBay. I would never pay that kinda money for an incentive with a ugly cover that doesn’t have the character on the cover. It’s going to drop like a stone when first cover first appearance 2nd print comes out.
The real next Miles is Rayshaun Lucas and you can find his first for $10-$15.
yeah people are smoking with these prices lol
I agree but more power to those who got one cheap and are having a nice payday.
Surprised covers A and B aren’t following the same trend….you’d think if this character had so much potential all covers would benefit.
People want that next 10k 9.8. I guess some are thinking this could be it.
Well when certain places hype it as the next Miles, they feel they have to take the chance. I’d never pay those prices personally, especially for a book that isn’t 2 weeks old
I don’t know why it’s exploding, but with the 1:25 as high as it is, I’m surprised the A cover hasn’t hit $40 yet. I ended up dropping $170 shipped for a 1:25 and 6 cover A’s which is more than I would have liked but I’ve said this before - I’d much rather pay a bit of a premium on books that are heating up and have legs than preorder a ton of spec that goes nowhere. This could go nowhere too of course
Lucked out on a BP3 Cvr B. Will list and see what it goes for. The Cvr does look good though.
Which is why I’m nuts for modern newsstands. I’ll raise you’re $10k UF4 9.8 with a newsstand copy in the same grade for $25k.
Why do you keep showing sold copies of this book ? Other books are also selling well…
How many do you have ??? Are you hoping Marvel takes notice of the high sold prices out of the gate and pumps this character more ???
i had 4 incentives ordered. 3 got cancelled. sold my 1 copy yesterday for $350. given the title of this thread i thought a book going from 200 to 600 in 24hrs would fit here. i have 7 copies of cover A. had another 10 get cancelled. i highly doubt marvel watches ebay prices, what they do watch is order numbers. so if 2nd print or following issues see order increase that and only that will make them use him more.
You should post which stores cancelled your orders. These stores need to be outed so we don’t do business with them anymore considering you had ordered them before foc. I would block them from my ebay as well.
1 was graham cracker, they cancelled cause i bought 2 copies so they cut me to one. the other 2 places i won’t name cause they don’t normally cancel. and i dont name places with cheap ratios
Cover A is starting to pop as well. I had priced mine above other copies to catch the rising tide. Sold two copies yesterday in the $25 range. This was a really good week for me as I grabbed multiple Thor 21, multiple Black Panther 3 A, a Razzah Moon Knight and a Mary Jane Black Cat 1:50 Hughes cover. Made a killing in sales this week.
It was a good week for releases for sure!
Hilarious flick.