Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Just look at recent ebay sales. It will be more accurate anyway



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Only 1 sold on ebay in the last 3 months so that’s why I asked for gocollect to see if it could track other sales that might have happened.


Hope this helps.


Damn whoever got that 9.8 at $97 should be in jail for theft :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey, first post in almost a year. Congrats !

Deadly Spidey 5 still selling well but ebay is flooded with undercutters. In addition, I don’t think it went to a 2nd print, which seems a little odd

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I had a person buy both of mine and then proceeded to not pay. Hate these people


You might get $15 now

Still on the racks at my shops yesterday spidey #5), but the book is now on the just released “trending top 20” of a certain app so hype will likely uptick a bit.


Holding the line at $24.95.

Otherwise Not worth my time. NO BEST OFFERS!!!


I hate that too. I’m sure all of us do. It shouldn’t surprise me but it does. I just can’t understand how people do that, knowing the inconvenience they’re causing sellers. They have no shame. None.

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If there were consequences for those deadbeat buyers and the ability to leave negative feedback it’d happen a lot less often. I personally, rarely have non paying buyers. I’ve only sold a few hundred items over the past few years though.

Was this persons name Moonknight03? Because I had someone make an offer for 3 copies and then ddidn’t pay after I accepted. I should have read their feedback first because it’s common for this buyer.

They’re bringing shame to the good Moon Knight name!

So did the Disney+ series…

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I’ve been getting best offers with messages from eBay saying they’ll automatically charge the buyer it I accept. Very happy about that.

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eBay should just require buyers to have a bank card or account linked and it just auto pays for items when they end, either by BIN, Best Offer or Auction. That would end all this non-payment crap and deter the bad apples from using the platform.