Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Incredible Hulk 449 (1st Thunderbolts) has been moving higher since the Falcon show has started.
9.8s selling between $800 to $900.
Raw newsstands have been getting some good prices.

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I was eyeballing these about a year or two ago with much better prices. I guess I’m gonna miss out now…

Incredible Hulk #449 on eBay

Unless we all all had an unlimited budget to get every book it happens all the time.
Just go get that next big book…
Nottingham 1 2nd print obviously :grin:

I got two of those on the way… :wink:


Same. I have a real track record of dragging my feet when books are in the $50-60 range and then it shoots up within a few months. :weary:


That hits home for sure here as well.

My favorite thing is selling a comic lot that I need to clear out for space, and then the next week one of those shoots to the moon. Fun times.

I love it when I dump a box at Half Price, get my pennies for them all and then a month later one of those books that was worthless for years prior shoots up in value…


Ouch! Haven’t done that one yet :wink:

It stings for about 3 seconds and then I’m over it. You win some and you lose some. No reason to fret over it I say…


Yup… blew out my West Coast Avengers … the entire series… for a buck a book at my yard sale a couple years ago.
How’d that turn out for me today? :scream:

I’ve sold 2 full runs of west coast avengers for pennies on the dollar. I feel your pain.

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Everything is heating up like crazy these days. Strange times. I bet if back in the 80’s if Star put out a Different Strokes comic the first issues would be a grand in 9.8 today. There just seems to be a lot more speculators/investors out there than ever before speculating on just about everything that might show up in a show. movie, animation, re-boot, whatever.


Funny you should mention Different Strokes… I just purchased 2 copies of Saved by the Bell #1 not long ago. :rofl:


Did, “The Facts of Life,” ever get a comic? That was a good show.

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Think of the all the first appearances a #1 would have. lol


Could you imagine all those sexy Edna Garrett cos play variant issues?!?

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Now your getting my motor revving


A swimsuit cover issue of Blair would have been a definite hit!


This is all I need!!!
