Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

How about ‘Imminent potential’

I grabbed a few more from Midtown today, but had a few other books I wasn’t able to find around here and threw them in too. I forget how many copies I now have coming in. But I know I want see any at my LCS since they don’t order variants.

What you got against Dan Scott?

He’s right up there with Todd Farlane and Grant Morissette.


And Gath Mennis!

And Fred Brewbaked

It is already jumping, sales have gone from $6.99 at the start of the day to $15 sales now.


So what you’re saying is that you can you spoil extra early??

Not this Wednesdays, last Wednesdays. I usually go to the shop I do spoilers at on Tuesday’s and go to my regular LCS on Friday and pick up my books.

WTF…? :face_vomiting:

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“A fool and his money are soon parted” :poop:


More like sharted.


Hey with how many cheese cake covers do well why not some beefcake covers. I don’t see the issue

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That’s a cool cover, wouldn’t pay that for it but if I found it in the wild for cheap I’d grab it.

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Seems like with so many speculators avoiding dc altogether, it’s led to some quality cover spec

“quality” is subjective…


I guess flip potential is a better way to describe it

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All of the Robins series issues had B covers like this as well. Wonder if they will pump too

Ngl that Tim Drake variant art looks dope. The art style suits him.

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Any reason why ? C2E2 movie news ?

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cause hes not signing any time soon