Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

If I come into a ton of money I ain’t telling nobody the exact amount, besides my lady, my parents, my sister, and her sister and bro. They all will keep it quiet. I won’t change anything about our lifestyle as I like our house and so forth. I might buy some fancy rare comic stuff for fun online to collect but keep my identity secret for that. Mainly, I’d just use the money to make sure my kiddos (now two of them!) are well taken care of when I eventually die at a hopefully old age–if the AI robots don’t get me first.

To put us back on topic, however, I have a question for everyone:

Early Gambit appearances are heating up (Uncanny 266 and the Annual he’s in). Even if Channing Tatum is in the third Deadpool movie as Gambit ( a common rumor now) will it lead to actual movies or be a joke-cameo? It is like folks buying Elektra stuff with it confirmed Jennifer Gardner is back in a cameo. Like, it is obviously a brief cameo and won’t lead to anything else, right? Why are people excited? This leads to my question: Once my Uncanny 266 is back from CGC I need to sell it ASAP, right? Not wait for the movie?

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Sell all your comics and invest in original comic art.

Take it from someone who had been investing in original comic art and comic books for the past 15 years. My conclusion is that original comic art prices are less variable and they take up much less space. The former means that you dont need to time your sales as much. The latter is important when dealing with the spouse, and critical if space is expensive.

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If you have kids, don’t tell them. Those little brats spill everything.


IMO The #266 is a safe book and you won’t lose regardless of what you do.
I think Gambit is an essential, fan favorite character that will remain solid even if they handle him poorly in the MCU.
I suppose if you bought in high the last few years and just want your money back (or a small profit) sell away.
If you have multiple then might as well cash in also.
If I were someone who had one copy and had an inkling of fondness for the character, I’d hold for now.

I do find it interesting that the annual has really been getting traction as being an important book. It was really dismissed for so long (wrongly imo). Hard to argue that it isn’t his first. I miss the days of finding them for cheap though.


If it’s the lottery, most states require your name be made public in order to claim the winnings.

Which is total and utter BS. They’re forcing you to put your life and family’s safety at risk.

Yeah, if that’s the case I imagine there will be some weirdos who come out of the woodwork, but if I don’t act too public about it that will probably help reduce attention. No big media interviews.

A lot of old friends will be reminded how fond they are of you. :joy:


I agree but how many of us go and look up the winners names each and every time there is one?

People who make their living by hounding winners

It’s not “us” you need to worry about.


I’m not sure what this supposed to be. What does this exchange have to do with modern comics heating up (thread title/subject)?

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Back in stock!

These look excellent!


When does it come out?

Wednesday. I was able to get some for cvr price

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I made a thread for this but here you go. Spoiler cover


wonder if they will use daughter, if so mr and mrs x #3 might get a little heat

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Would be funny if they added her later in the season.