Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)


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Not if I’m buying it at prices before it made the list…and selling it for the list price! :slight_smile:

Hell, if I suspect it’s going to tank I come in under list price just to stay ahead of the crash.

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I meant buying it at peak price once it is on a list. I have a crap ton of books, so normally books that make the list I already have. Don’t buy a book that made a list, but selling a book that made the list is perfectly fine.


I’m skipping everything venom 23 except for the spoiler cover. Too much awareness

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Power Girl #1 Cover C Sozomaika Signed Variant is up.


really not digging those arms

Look at this lousy foil copy for MK City of the Dead #1

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An error copy. You’re a billionaire.

And you’re in the future because that book doesn’t come out for a week.

What’s it like in the future? Are there flying cars yet?


It’s like the world from venom beyond. But, I can’t spoil what happens

Can you at least give us the lottery numbers???


I was thinking sports betting, but lottery is way better.

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If you do win the lotto, don’t be stupid like 70% of the winners out there…

"What percentage of lottery winners go bankrupt?

According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. Obtaining more money often leads to careless spending and the desire to get more money, and the greed can be destructive to the lives of winners and their families."

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That’s cause 70% are either dolts or incapable of managing money

Sadly a lot of them are known to become addicts of some type or go on to become gamblers while even some are just straight up murdered by someone they know for money reasons.

There is a reason the proverb goes “A fool and his money are soon parted”. Lottery odds are always stacked against the gambler - how do you think the companies behind all those lotteries make their millions?


Which is why they are buying lottery tickets to begin with.

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I buy one on occasion and BET you I don’t have a gambling problem.


What’s first thing you do if you win some mega lotto jackpot?

Tell no one except your spouse if you have one!

Find a good lawyer you can trust. You’ll want to setup some trusts and such more than likely and a bunch of other legal documents to protect you and you’re new fortune.

Try to stay anonymous if you can when collecting the payout. Some states make it public, which I think is stupid. Wear a wig and change your looks if they make you do some stupid press thing.

Tell no one except a spouse if you got one!

Don’t go immediately buy Ferrari’s and Mansions… change nothing about your life for a bit if you can. Slowly introduce new things and try to maintain a normal life.

Tell No One except your spouse if you got one!!!


Pour the money into comics original art.

Come back here and thank us that you did.



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