You guys did it, I’m seeing some new listings for Ultimate Invasion 2nd print today. Another sold for $15. Don’t know if any other places are talking about this book besides here. Haven’t seen it mentioned elsewhere. Creeping up.
Definitely not the only group talking about it
Lots of sales for Ultimate Spiderman 1A for $40 today. You guys think the heat will maintain when the 2nd print hits stores? Beneath the Trees shot up when the 2nd print came out the same time as issue 2. Could have a similar effect I think if Ultimate Spiderman issue comes out really strong.
Yes, I don’t think the 2nd print will hurt it
Looks like mine sold moments ago $40+ shipping (ultimate SM1). I guess people maybe realized extra copies are not showing up at their shops today…
There is spec on the 2nd print
the 2nd print Ultimate Spiderman 1 will have such a massive print run
we dont know that. but print run doesnt matter if demand is there.
and there is spec…
what’s the spec?
see anyone on the 2nd print cover thats not on the 1st print covers…?
ultimate green goblin? stop it
besides him…
ultimate kingpin?
keep going…
debut of ultimate spidey suit?
I see nothing