Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Mine sold yesterday after sitting around all week as well.


CGC is a little lax on these…

Here are my two…


There are spine creases too, but I couldn’t get them to show up on camera.


Those ASM’s damage very easy with the black cover and thicker book.

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Star Wars #23 1:25 is experiencing a spike thanks to KCC.

But isn’t the regular issue of #21 the actual first cover appearance of SCAR Squadron? Either way, people are already running with these and labeling these books with “The Bad Batch” on eBay, and other people are happily buying them up. Sell 'em if you got 'em.

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Super Crooks by Mark Millar has an anime coming out on Netflix at some point. Issues are cheap as of now. However we all know his stuff generally doesn’t go up to much.

In terms of Clone Force 99 and SCAR Squadron (and those issues/variants)…I guess it is good we were all discussing it and buying them up last July! :slight_smile:

You all are the best!


It takes KCC a while to catchup on all the forum topics now… :wink:


If there’s any writer guilty of writing their stuff just to be adapted into something. Its Millar lol

I think one of the biggest losses we’ve had in comics is the move from storytelling to only “arcs for trades/events for sales”. Comics used to have long runs with committed teams where they could develop long term plot threads interspersed with one-off stories. Now a writer can’t even do a run without being interrupted by a companywide event or being shoehorned by editorial to sell a story in 5-issue arcs for trade paperback sales.

“Get off my lawn” old man rant over.


I will have to say I enjoy the TPB’s just as an easy way to sit down and read through a bunch of issues without having to open them all up. Maybe they need to modify it to a little longer ‘arc’ period?

I agree. I’d rather have a longer running story and series than mini after mini. One reason I still applaud BKV. He seems to put thoughts into his stories and doesn’t have 2 dozen titles he’s writing all around the same time period. We need more BKV and BKV type writers… give me that 40, 50 or 60 issue series…

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188 Moon knight #188 is shooting up in price after KCC said that Ethan Hawke maybe playing the Sun King in the show. I’m going hunting tomorrow for more copies

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Cool I got 3 copies of the 1:25 when it came out

Think they were $15 each back then

Spawn 1 9.8’s a little over doubled in price… not sure if it has been a gradual increase or just recently, but I bought one for $112 awhile back. Sweet!


Love it- thanks to them for promoting Avengers Academy. I am not sure how many copies I have- at least 6 more— Sold 2 so far for $30 and $40 each. Now to find the rest of them- only 10 long boxes left to go through!


If you have the Avengers Academy #1 1:25 djurdjevic it will fetch a lot of money


Someone on Mercari was selling a big lot of comics that happened to include the first issues of, “Avengers Academy,” and the #1 second printing. It wasn’t scooped up like all the other listings due to it being a bulk lot and you have to be paying close attention to notice those pieces gold with the rest of the stuff. I bought it and hope it arrives in a bit.

I had a, “Young Avengers,” #1 (the first 2005 series) I got for about $265 a couple of months ago. Got it sold for $350. I maybe should’ve held onto it but I don’t know when we’ll get a Young Avengers show or movie (years from now maybe) and I figured I could use the funds to get some other stuff that is closer on the horizon to getting hot or is already a bit hot but could get nuclear (I need a, “Vengeance,” #1 in decent condition).


you absolutely should have held. YA #1 is going to be a modern grail


I sold mine a few years back for $35 in NM- condition…buyer didn’t think it was NM-‘ argued it was VF/NM…meanwhile the comic was going up in price exponentially so I’m like “send it back!” and he did…sold it for nearly double within a day of getting it back as a VF/NM.