Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

1st app of bats the dog, 22 is weird price considering there are copies list for 5-8

I sold a 2nd print for $30 the other day.

What’s up with this book?

1st Collision?

1st meeting of Shuri and Miles?

@D-Rog It was pumped on one of the shows or something recently. Honestly can’t recall where/which one now…but that was what set it off.

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I don’t know if this is what caused it, but it was on today’s KCC “Pro Spec” list as first Collision. It’s a flash in the pan book. Wait for prices to drop (if anyone is really looking for this).

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pump and dump, app and youtubers are doing it

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#3 on this list

“Pro Spec List” cracked me up today when I saw the alert :rofl:


Ooooh. I stocked up on those Marvel Rising #0s!

Free money!


All these FOMO flash in the pan books are hilarious.


First time they meet? Who gives a f*** :stuck_out_tongue:


Right I don’t get that one with miles and schuri. I did pick up a Ms. Marvel 16 though with first meeting of captain marvel and ms. Marvel as obviously they will meet in the movie coming.

That’s what I figure…soon as that happens SELL!!! Probably be a short window.

Honestly think these guys get together and go what is the dumbest thing we can come up with to make something a key, oh what about the first time these 2 characters meet. How many people met during the Avengers movies? didnt see anyone talking about the first time IronMan meets Dr Strange, or first time Wong eats ice cream in a comic, gtfo of here with these BS “keys”.

Stick to solid keys stop trying to go so far out the box.


One day Super Pro will be a $1000 book :sunglasses:


…right before the sun engulfs the earth many, many, many eons from now but yeah, it’ll eventually happen!

For April fools CHU should do a “spec alert” video where like 50 of us just choose the most ridiculous reasons why we think a comic is going to spike! Chu would lose all credibility, but it would be fun to see how many suckers…I mean savvy speculators out there bite!!!


…yeah, I realize April 1st is a long ways off but some of those FOMO buyers probably wouldn’t notice or care ether way even if it was done tomorrow with the title " Official fake April fools list of fake hot comics that only fomo buyers would ever even think of spending their money on!" As long as it has “official” and “hot” in the title that’s all they will care about!

Sub-Mariner #19


Exactly! Keep that one going!

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