Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

You affiliate link every almost every ratio and list most later printings on the forum with no context or reasoning on said book. I’m not referring to your articles, I’m referring to the forum. Specifically the TFAW thread and the later printing thread. When random members mention a book it quickly turns into an affiliate link as well when you edit it.

It’s cool. Make money to support the site. But you accuse key Coll of making money off lists because there’s a buy button they get a commission off of. But every Monday pretty much every ratio from TFAW, most without any spec at all, get listed on the forum using affiliate links. It’s no different.

It’s just perspective. In your mind key Coll is doing it to make money, you are doing it to help others, when you both are listing books with affiliate links doing the same thing.


The topic subject actually states exactly what the thread is about, “TFAW new ratios”. If anyone has the sense that every ratio variant linked is automatically a “key” book, then that’s on them.

We’re just linking to ratios that are normally cheaper than other retailers. No where are we telling or giving the false impression most of the time that anyone should buy any of them because of spec of potential heat. It’s buy if like you like in the sense that they’re given out.

I fail to see how that even remotely compares to sites creating top ten lists and or “hot books” based on very random crap they sometimes seem to talk about… Nobody cares about “first cover of 3 characters” for the first time… let’s get real, that’s not KEY.

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When you list one company only (a company you routinely criticize) and then say that some are trying to pump and dump…you know exactly what are you are saying whether you are trying to be “vague” or not Poyo. Lol.

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I only brought them up cause it’s the most recent example about the 3 character cover appearance. They’ve had some bad spec and alerts in the past. I don’t like them. Do they push all books for their own gains, probably not but overall, I don’t trust Nick as far as I could likely throw him…

If you actually read most of my previous comments before I mentioned Key Collector, then you’ll see most of my stance was on neutral ground, not calling out anyone in particular.

Alright, back on topic. I think this is definitely drifting into la la land at this point.

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They aren’t saying go out and buy every book either.

When someone else gives information, you give that a negative connotation of falsely creating FOMO, pumping, etc… . When you give information, you are just merely putting the info out there.

I’m sure they feel the same. It’s just perspective.

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I never said they are and I never said not all their info is FOMO or pumping… Please don’t shove words into my mouth.

Now, back on topic or I’m just shutting this shit down!

But that’s just because you don’t agree that’s a key. Many do. Multiple members including SpideyHunter said he’s been buying that book for a while. Many people it’s a key. I’d take Spidey hunters opinion on a Spidey key over grumpy Poyo who hates everything;/).

No reason to knock key Coll at all because they listed a book that many think is a key, but you don’t. Lol.

It’s all good though. We aren’t going to agree. I still love ya. Cheers!


Not sure I see the two things as the same. CHU posts links to incentives that are under ratio and are great prices. Nowhere in those affiliate links does it call the books keys or say there is any spec on them.

Key collector by definition of its very name is telling you every book they put on their app is a must buy key you need to collect. They put a key of the week tag on books every week and some are store exclusives, they do top 10 lists, they promote pro spec lists.

I’m not sure how Anthony posting a link to a star wars high republic 1:25 that will cost me $18 which is probably a third of the price of other shops and eBay is.anyrhing remotely what key collector and cbsi does with pro spec lists highlighting books they call keys and then adding affiliate links to them so they make money off their own spec list.

It’s actually absurd to even compare the two.


We aren’t, but let me point out that you’re bringing up argument points that aren’t even relevant to the discussion like linking to products compared to “key book alerts” and such, assumptions by just the small amount that I’ve said about Key Collector publicly. Never did I say don’t use them nor did I say all their key alerts are bad. You’re just throwing words in my mouth at this point.

Okay, that’s enough, back on topic! Yes, I get final word. I’m putting moderator/admin hat on for realz now!

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I am really surprised they didn’t go for the black and white cover that has a lower print run.

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Also, you wanna know why I really don’t like that ASM #9… it’s a Store Exclusive done by Comixposure as well… They’re the freaking worse… It’s not even Key Collector that makes this smell like a pump and dump. When a book is selling for under $10 most of the time since 2015 (the year it was released)… all I can smell is a good pump and dump based on sales. Seems like some saw the regular cover selling anywhere from $15 to $40 as it’s apparently Spider-Gwen’s second appearance in Spider-Verse storyline yet nobody cared for 6 years until now? Come on… sounds like someone was sitting on some stock of this store variant and want to pump the “small print run”…

If Key Collector really wants me to take them seriously, they’ll drop some of the terms they use in their descriptions and just stick to facts instead of the marketing BS they seem to drop into their “key alerts”.

Now I’m ragging on Key Collector? Big difference… :wink:


The Black And White is selling for cheaper too…

I also hereby silence myself with the moderator whipping stick now for breaking my own freaking rules… see ya’ll tomorrow!

Poyo is gone for the night? We aren’t being moderated by him? Ya’ll know what that means, let’s get naked! @Anthony is a moderator too but he’s cool with it! Take off them clothes!


Just don’t post them, we’ll lose not only CHU members but ads as well… then we’ll solely depend on affiliate links to keep the site running. :wink:

Oh, F it… I hereby pardon myself for breaking my own rules. I wanna join in on the nakedness… :wink:

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I think there is a fad variant too

Here’s an issue I have. Just compare the descriptions between these books (which are all the same issue)… the only difference is the covers and then the likely print runs:

I don’t know about the rest of you but it seems like it’s more on the level of pumping the colored variant compared to the others based on print run alone… To me, just stick to the facts of the book instead of making one “better” over all the others…

The regular was a $20 to $40 book long before this Colored Store Exclusive sold a few copies for over $30… most were $5-$10 sales…

Maybe if Solus was on the cover… then maybe… just maybe… it would “Super Key”… :wink:


Here’s a top ten list of overlooked Star Wars “keys” for anybody who wants to go to and click my eBay affiliate links:

  1. Star Wars 12 (1977) first appearance of Governor Quarg! This fat sack of shit is the son of the space version of chop shop owner! He’s a real dick and he sure shows it! He’s bound to be the next Moff Gideon!


  1. Star Wars Weekly UK 24: Governor Quarg’s first app too spendy for ya? Grab his first cover! Not only is it his first cover, he’s in the background! In the dark! Half blocked by Luke!


  1. Darth Vader 2 (2015) the first Cassio Tagge cover. Everybody’s favorite angry bowl cut, right there on the cover!


  1. Darth Vader 11 (2020): first appearance of Luke’s severed hand swimming! Every wondered if Luke’s disembodied hand could do a triathlon? Well, it’s 1/3 of the way there!


  1. Star Wars 16 (1978) first womp rat! You’ve heard about how Luke likes to bullseye them in his T-16! You’ve heard them complained about by destitute farmers! Now see them illustrated by Herbe Trimpe! Bonus first: Beggar’s Canyon! That’s right! Everybody’s favorite fictional geological formation!


To unlock the top 5 you’ll need to buy a subscription that’s definitely worth it!