Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

But people in here said that wouldn’t happen


I preordered four of the main cover and one of the team cover featuring Moon Squire and others. Will start flipping this weekend. I will take easy profits all day long.


After the quick flip…file them in the box with New Agents of Atlas #1 :slight_smile:

Man, has that book ever dropped…I’ve seen it go for $10 lately on Whatnot.

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Now would be a good time to buy that

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Saw MonopolyJackson at the LCS scrambling last minute for Spiderwoman 7. :grin:


Not really since there’s already a topic on this: Creating Topics and Categories - #4 by agentpoyo

I don’t recall that. I believe I even highlighted it on my FOC picks. I did say I’d pick up for a quick flip but not to hold.

Right now prices are stagnant at $16 shipped. Or at least that is the lowest priced copy and there’s a QTY of 4 left.

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It wouldn’t be on top ten lists yet, if it wasn’t a flip

I already had some ordered from Midtown.

But we all know how this goes…

Nobody will care in a month and the prices will fall back down. Same old story. Why is anyone still surprised ??? Why are people thinking selling a book for double or triple cover is a thing ?

These are b-level characters…maybe C


Cause we can make short term profit to buy older keys

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How about you just buy “older keys”, as you repeat every month, with your paycheck…you know…a job…and skip jumping through 2 or 3 hoops to buy them.

Trying to sell new books every week for double/triple cover just adds up to more money you owe to the IRS…not worth it


You’re confusing me with the double negatives. Are you saying it is on top 10 lists because it is a flip?

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I’m genuinely curious why one guy even is active in this forum. Is he the agreed upon Eeyore mascot of this forum?

Nonstop trashing of any book with heat and if a modern ever has a dip it’s trash. Tiresome and divisive for no reason.

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Cause doing it this way is a lot cheaper. Ever hear of using other people’s money to make money?

Some people are so bad at this, we can just do the opposite of their advice and make bags of money

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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If you’re making a profit flipping new releases to buy older, key books, I’d actually encourage that.


That’s because you are using rational thought instead of hate

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I have no issues with anyone on here. Some people have a different perspective and some can be a little condescending/sarcastic/know it all, but I appreciate MJ’s contributions. He brings a lot of knowledge to the forums.


Or some people don’t like anything unless it’s their idea. These are generally the people who make into high level management and do everything they can to isolate themselves from criticism, especially from subordinates. Quality managers actually admit their vulnerabilities to their staff