Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

Nicolas Cage wore them in Vampire’s Kiss, which is one of his best flicks. I love it as he runs down the street screaming “I’m a vampire! I’m a vampire!” Classic Nic.

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What’s heating up now?

Plastic vampire teeth apparently.

An underwater volcano off the coast of Washington…

Japanese rockets?

I’m thinking it’s more of a cooling down some as the ratio announcement for the Red Bands should increase the total of the print run. That could change if the spoiler on the cover ends up being anything great. Of course with notice this short it could also mean the actual ratio has better odds of heating up as less people will have time to find out it’s being offered and order it for #1. FOC is Monday so 4 days notice to get it ordered, less for some places.

Were you referring to the old school Vampire homages? I saw the hulk one…My bad if I’m lost…

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Allright…in my best “Private Vasquez” imitation…

but let’s add…what exactly ya’ll saying I should be ordering here :slight_smile: Too darn confusing imo.

Also…it was the Wax teeth that were great…even better yet, the wax teeth that had that sticky, lord knows what was in it, liquid filling.


Arrived today.

A nice stack of Toxic Commandoes and some other restocks all came together.


Nice… Save me one (in George Lopez voice)

Were any of them The Bat-Man: First Knight #1 Aspinall Pulp Variant? Seeing sales of $30 on eBay now, in the UK, but still…

That’s one of those oversized Black Labels from DC sent thru Lunar. I only get two A covers for that and one of those is for a subscriber or I might have skipped it entirely. I don’t like shipping oversized items. They take up too much shelf space and need magazine sized bags and boards and boxes for storage. I could double or triple Black Label sales if they’d stay at standard comic size. It shows on back order at Lunar so it’s already out of stock there. Todays boxes were from Penguin Random House, mostly Marvel, Dark Horse and IDW. Light week for other stuff so far from Penguin but I may have some step into reading types arriving any day. I think I started expanding that category with some Hulks and Spider-man Saturday. long way to go there to get them all but I’ll get there. I should be getting another copy of Lore Olympus 4 tomorrow as well. Title keeps pleasing females so I keep restocking.

Also, if you’re in the UK you may have a shot at finding a copy at Diamond. I believe they are supplying DC to the UK. Check with a local store that can access Diamonds website. The UK info is hidden from us but should be as simple for them to check as ours is for us.

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That is the one, oversized. I’m not in UK, but the highest sales have been there for some reason, perhaps US to follow? How often does a Cover C hit 2nd printing before Cover A?

I’m not remembering any reprints at all for the oversized ones. I’ve been waiting since before the pandemic for Batman Damned #1 and Harleen #1 to get reprinted. I got trapped with plenty of #2’ and 3’s but the leftover #1’s for Harleen disappered during the move to Lunar/UCS from Diamond and Batman Damned #1 went stupid price for a while right out the gate and still never got one. The old problem that when the #1’s are all gone, no one wants to start with #2.

Hightail is in Web of Spider-Man 1 and looks like she will be sticking around. Secure some copies of her 1st app, if you haven’t already


Out of stock at Diamond,
Beneath trees 4
Dawnrunner 1A
Spider-Woman 5A
Web of Spider-man 1A
Ultimate X-Men 1 second print
All but UX1 are in stock at PRH right now and just reordered.


Yup start picking up those Miles #6 where HT first appeared in.

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A “sicko” told me there’s a new goblin in WoSM 1 as well.

Female. Popular character from way back. Won’t say more. I would not put a lot of value in it though. I’m waiting on the 2nd print when she might be on the cover.

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It’s Gwen Goblin 2099. Meh

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same ol’ same ol’