Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

She’s also been in a bunch of issues

No cheap copies listed on eBay. I realize most people in here would rather wait till right before the tipping point to avoid any risk

I like to secure some early if the chatter is there. The chatter is starting to get there.

The $9.99 sale was actually a BO of $3.99.

Here are the only two sales in the past three days per 130pt.

Don’t see any copies on the usual online sites. So we’ll see.


I grabbed some copies of that issue because I really liked the cover for some reason. Glad to see I may be able to offload some now that I need the space

Keep on talking about it and KCC will pick up on this chatter, make it a pick of the week and it blows up temporarily…


Here is the thing. The bringing her back so she isn’t a one and done. They are trying to flesh out a rogues gallery for Miles. Starling is doing pretty well. It cost me $3.69 to grab one from my lcs. I can sit on that minimum investment for a while.

Like I said I have changed the way I have been selling. Less focus on hot new and more on clearing out low cost variants and focusing on selling them (especially IDW variants which tend to be rarer). This strategy has been paying off for me as I am not competing with everyone else selling this week’s hot new books as a primary focus. Now don’t get me wrong, I am still competing but not as a primary source of sales

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I’ve been waiting for that book to get some heat, along with issues 2 and 6 store exclusive, for a few years now….will the needle finally move? I’m ready.

I listed an extra copy of SW HR 5 and it sold in a few hours. Not for a ton, but I got it in a bulk buy which netted out to about 60 cents per book.

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Let’s just hope the show is good

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You were saying?

Yeah my wife paud $35 for the 1:25 variant cuz my youngest liked the cover. He likes it and happy he got it. Just wouldn’t pay more then $25 myself regardless of spec lol. Hopefully it keeps going up though lol

Bro, you are obsessed with trying to flip 1 book. Get a life and touch grass.

Im not surprised you would slump to screenshot a CBSI post. You have a weak defense.

And the book still has no spec.

And the book is not heating up.

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$40 isn’t terrible. But it’s not great. I’d rather buy $4.99 books and flip them for $20. Better profit margin/less risk.

As for future spec we’ll have to see if the green goblin in Ultimate Spider-man is actually Gwen Stacy…then it might spike for a NY minute.

And it only takes a 2nd print 1:25 with Gwen Goblin on the cover to kill this book. Sell’em fast if that happens.

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Cover price matters. The higher the cover price, the more money retailers will ask for a 1:25.

$3.99 cover price - a 1:25 will sell for $25

$7.99 cover price - a 1:25 will sell for $40

Its been this way for years

Give its a few months, and the prices will fall.


A typical Marvel Ratio Sale from Diamond would have them selling open order in about a year from now give or take which means they’d cost the store $7.99, no discount. Even then it’s still going to most likely get asking prices in the $15 to $20 range until the supply of cheap is exhausted. Here’s an example from the last one.

You can see the qtys shipped and the 0% discount level off cover price.


Damn good prices for those 1:50’s & 1:100’s :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: