Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

Still creeping up, even though there’s no spec value. I don’t get it

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presale on a book thats not even graded yet…

nobody on Ebay is offering graded presales for the variant…

c’mon dude. presales on graded 1:25 ratios always go for $100+

you ever check out Beachbum presales ?


Other covers sit at or below cover. When they start moving I might lift an eyebrow.

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That doesn’t always happen for awhile. I don’t wait till then anyway. That’s what the masses do. Preparing early works so much better. Remember, this thread includes books with potential

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I misread that. I’m now hoping it was a typo. That makes it a 1 in 500 ratio. Boom’s making incentives for the mega sellers only it seems. There’s the other option as well if you have an empty credit card or PayPal Credit type thing with no interestet for 6 months.

(NOTE: BOOM! Guarantee’d (returnable) for enrolled, opt-in retailers.)

A covers are strip cover returnable.

Spend about $1,000 plus shipping ($3,990.00 x 3% freight =$119.70 freight) plus a few bucks to mail back 1,000 stripped off covers if they don’t allow affidavit return for them. Sounds like mostly profit if you don’t mind tying some money up for about 6 months or so. It appears all covers are elegible for the special including the returnable/strip cover/affidavit ones.

(NOTE: Retailers who order 100 units or more of each issue of Something is Killing the Children #36-#40 [any cover comb. per issue based on FOC orders], may order 1 Series incentive variant, limited one per store, per account.)

I forgot the new Boom 2% freight kick back program so 2/3’s of that freight charge is coming back right up front. That knocks freight down to around $40.

They also offer ratio’s from 25 to 100 for issue #36 so I’m assuming there should be some opportunities there to grab and dump enough along the way to cover that $40 pretty easily watering down the selling prices for everyone else along the way.


Better ways to make money instead of giving BOOM small loans…


I’m sure there is but I don’t see this as giving them a loan as much as doing exactly what they asked us to do. They want us to make these type of purchases to give the product a chance at getting sold. There’s always the chance all 100 copies of each issue sell just because it was on the shelf and what the content of the story drove the masses to want. This is playing by the rules they established. I would assume based on normal return windows that by the 3rd issue you’re actually using their own credits to your Diamond account pay for the last couple. I can say going in that I definitely have 1 copy sold by subscription. Others may have more than that already waiting and getting copies. Maybe these 5 issues will be that story magic that makes 99 extra people show up wanting a copy.

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It would be magical wouldn’t it. Historically speaking it’s not going to happen just like it didn’t happen with Berserker. The more I think about it though, it does seem to become too good of an opportunity to pass up. 100 comics, at $2 each plus that qualifies for 1-100, 1-75, 2-50’s and 4 -25’s. $216 investment. Hopefully some of that sells the 1st month.

Repeat for #37, repeat for #38 (maybe with strip cover/affidavit credits showing up by then for #36.) repeat for #39 (maybe with strip cover/affidavit credits showing up by then for #37.) repeat for #40 (maybe with strip cover/affidavit credits showing up by then for #38.) plus that month you get the 500 ratio one per store. For two to 3 months after that you have credits at Diamond offsetting your purchase totals.

Bottom line is with any sales at all it should really cost nothing to get your hands on the 500, 5-100’s, 5-75’s, 10-50’s and 20-25 ratios. That sounds a lot better than the normal method of tossing money at publishers blindly with no guarantee anything would be wanted by anyone. No risk, all reward. The only people that have anything to lose are those producing the book so it would be even more in their interests to make sure it’s something that will spark demand and sales now and in the future issues.

What if this was that Ultimate Spider-man moment repeating itself? How would it feel to have 100 people showing up over a few month period wanting 36 because they surprised us and created something people would want and tell their friends to seek out, just to have to send them out the door with nothing because you only ordered 3 copies. I’ve already tried that once this year.

I just thought of a use for that extra BOOM floor display that holds 6 slots of comics that’s been leaning against Gemeni mountain for a while now.


A chance? Sounds like a lousy business deal.

If someone proposed… “hey, buy 100 of these, there’s a chance you might sell them” I’m gonna steer the other direction… nope, nope… nope!

BOOM! acting like BOOM! turning retailers into consumers. Order what you know you can sell based on your location and your customers and pre-orders. That’s smart business…

I’ve got a couple of those 1:25s.

Perfect, I have several of these and I also just sent one off to CGC. Let’s see what I can get on one of these as long as the hype train hasn’t left the station in a few weeks. LOL!

9.9 prescreen?

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Have they started the 9.9 prescreen?

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It’s only one sale. Let’s see some more

I believe you’re missing the point. NO RISK and my location thanks to the internet is the ENTIRE planet. There’s virtually no way to lose money. The only conceivable way would be to simply not ask for it back by doing the returns if the items don’t sell. While you steer the other way, I’ll be paddling to the bank. Nothing to risk here. It’s a lottery ticket that guarantee’s you will win something and if you aren’t happy will give you the cost of the ticket back. The only way to not win is not to play.

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Just don’t list your cover As in an auction…

This guy keeps selling 6 & 7 together.

I saw that. Not anywhere close to enough eyes to list as an auction