Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

There is a risk. You still lose if you send them back. Time spent is losing in my book. You do you though, I wouldn’t bother chasing a what if and waste my time sending back product or it taking up space in my shop I pay for when I could have other products I’m moving in their place.

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Time is no risk, time happens and has to be filled doing something and if it’s affidavit returns it’s 10 seconds to fill out a form and submit electronically saying I destroyed the leftovers.

No matter what happens, I have to purchase something. I have to spend my time with something except when I’m playing on internet message places.

There’s no other option out there I can name that comes close to being as guaranteed a success as this.

I will defer to anyone else’s options if they have one the Chusters can partake in as lucrative as this one. If you have a good working relationship with a local store that’s not planning to participate, you may be able to work out an option with them that benefits you both and gets that 500 ratio in more than 9 people’s hands.

Who benefits from the attempt?
Loggers and paper manufacturers
Printing company and employees
Artists and such at Boom involved on fixed salaries
Wholesalers and their employees
Stores and their employees.
All the delivery people moving product from one to the end point.

As near as I can tell, the only potential losers would be Boom stock holders if they end up taking a big hit on this and I would imagine by now they would know the risks before making the offer and feel confident their product wouldn’t leave that door open.

I wouldn’t bother chasing a what if and waste my time sending back product or it taking up space in my shop I pay for when I could have other products I’m moving in their place.

Which products am I denying shelf space for to have these that would bother you? Better yet, name $200 worth of product you feel would satisfy your requirements. They need to match up better compared to
$200 investment for 5 issues.
Complete returnability of unsold product begiining as early as 3 months after arrival, hopefully thru affidavit return or strip cover so it costs nothing.
Chance to turn some to all of that $200 into up to $400 cover price in additional sales.
Option to buy additional Ratio’s you now qualify for and can sell anywhere from ratio to a fraction of ratio if needed to be almost sure to have them make money. ($375 in ratio =$ potential there for each issue)
Then after the dust settles you get a 500 qty ratio

I’m here to learn so just simply name the product you want me to spend $200 on for the next 5 issues that will be better. All we need is the title and issue #'s and publisher wouldn’t hurt either since it’s going to have to be from a publisher we’re not already dealing with from Lunar, Diamond and PRH although the time to start with this new supplier to get this product sounds like it’ll be more than it takes to sign the afffidavit 5 times…


Only order cover A’s.
Return unsold copies.

Should be an easy way to get that 1:500

You still pay for the shipment (freight) for them to be delivered, right. That’s the only cost I can think of you don’t get refunded. Maybe it’s pennies over 200 copies destroyed…I don’t know.

Not particularly an expense of concern. In this case it’s a Boom title and Boom is going to credit 2% of the retail cost back to offset the new 3% retail shipping rate beginning with Diamond April 10th. In other words, 1% of retail should be the cost to get them in the door. That should work out to roughly $4 in freight or just selling 2 copies to cover that or a single ratio covers the freight for all 5 issues with profit.

In other news, just finished Marvel, IDW and Dark Horse for next week.
Out of Stock at Diamond, Deadpool #1 and Venom #32

Both were in stock at PRH to reorder just now but Venom #32 is looking scarce on E-Bay as well for standard cover.

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Still getting some good sales

Now, I’m seeing a lot of Venom #32 Cover A on eBay, but not very many of Deadpool #1 Cover A. Opposite to what you were finding, both still in stock at PRH?

Only way to be sure is order copies again. It’ll be 20 to 30 minutes most likely before the confirmation from the 2nd e-mail arrives to say. I assume more stores have been delivered and unpacked all weekend so the total for all covers should be increased by now on E-Bay. I’m counting 5 A covers out of 47 Buy it Now singles and 2 of those are out of country with high freight. VENOM #32 MARVEL 2024 in Comic Books & Memorabilia for sale | eBay

In stock so far.

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I can add 25 copies to my cart of Venom 32A (max allowed) but only 3 of Deadpool #1A at Midtown,

If that helps.

Thanks! Just figuring which book to grab multiples of.

I wouldn’t buy multiples of either unless you figure out something’s going on with them. I haven’t read either so I’m waiting for spoilers to see if there’s anything to get interested in. I would assume Deadpool #1 should have been the comic ordered heavier by stores and the shelves will be flush with copies tomorrow. It even had ratio’s up to 100 so you know some places ordered heavy just to get that single ratio. Venom #32 also has a 100 ratio so there should be an abundance of those on the shelves as well. I’m now overstocked on both by my normal standards with more shipments arriving this week and more available to order from PRH if needed.

I’m assuming Anthony will spoiler you if something’s HOT going on with either to explain the lack of E-Bay presence. It looks like E-Bay’s down to 4 A Covers of Venom #32 BIN singles this morning with 4 of those out of country origin. Maybe by tomorrow people will be loading their copies once it’s street legal.

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If you want a safer bet for buying multiple copies of, MAD MAGAZINE #36 Second Printing. It appears to be sold out at Lunar showing back order on the status, I was told by someone they think it’s Mad’s 1st 2nd print ever, it’s got Taylor so there’s who knows how much potential for Swifty madness/demand down the road and I’ve already sold out half the copies I ordered.


Likely a lower print run than the first. I’m surprised the first print still only gets $25 on the aftermarket.

I guess swifties don’t have a good sense of humor. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that book would be something you would sit on, maybe it gets hot for a NY minute If they announce an engagement…but if they break up the bottom will fall out.

You really want to gamble on Taylor Swifts love life?! :grin:


All I know is I just sold another and I’m down to my last copy. Swifties are still being born I believe so long term demand should be there as well. I’m pretty sure they are like rabbits. I also just sold another set of JLA Godzilla Final Prints. Only one set left of those now. Insane morning so far.

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We’re back to the dark days of moderns heating up PRE Ultimate Spider-man 1. Don’t see anything exciting in the coming weeks.


Yep, it was fun while it lasted…


Starting to see the comic Heist - How to Steal a Planet #1 moving up the eBay sale charts, making it onto the Weekly Shakers list

Rivers eb and flow and this one’s next changes start in May. Lots of titles from many publishers kicking off from Free Comic Book Day onward. Even all the X titles are getting ready to get shaken up, hopefully into something better and as exciting as HOX/POX was. Movies and tv are in transition to new courses. It’s unrealistic to expect something like US1 every week but knowing it’s only a matter of time until the next one says to stay on your toes. You have to have the lulls for things like that to get underordered or they’d never be able to take you by surprise like UX1. US1 blows up, UBP1 gets carried along in the wake but the market adjusted for UX1 by the time it hit the street. The cycles will continue. The next one’s getting closer.

Sold a stray dogs 1, x-men 27 momoko and absolute edition in the last few days.

Basically if you sell a variety of things it kind of breaks up the dry spells a bit.

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