Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

I missed it initially as he looks almost exactly like Blade.

next issue will introduce his buddy (another first appearance). His name is Inferno. :slight_smile:

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:rofl:, Marvel already been there, done that.

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He looks a bit taller

Starting to creep up in price. Not many copies listed and nothing cheap

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When did that come out?

April 10, 2024

I dunno. If the first Mandalorian cover can be had for $10, hard to imagine this book sustaining any momentum.

I have to think it’s a combination of not being heavily ordered, and with their first appearance coming up in less than a month in the Ahsoka book…people are just rushing to eBay at the moment and its a supply/demand blip on the radar that will soon subside.

Proceed with caution. It’s a nice cover though.


Maybe now DV 20 sprouse is $10, but it peaked higher than that

There was FOMO buying before it came out because the cover was revealed right at FOC. Marvel actually extended FOC buy a day to take any last minute orders…however that was on a Sunday…

When it came out it held some value at around $20 for a while…then settled down. 2nd print (silver boarder) helped with that as well.

This is different in a lot of ways. But the characters are not popular like Mando/Baby Yoda. So I would be very surprised if a spike above what it is now lasted a month.

I think the supply will be favorable for this one. But, I could easily be wrong. And yes, these two aren’t as popular as grogu/mando

The Mando/Grogu cover is such an outlier for the reasons you mentioned. Hard to use that to predict the trajectory of another book without the same circumstances.

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Early issues of Killadephia are moving and appreciating in price, not just the first issue.


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I didn’t think #1 had much of a chance, due to pre FOC awareness

Seems like they are all appreciating in price at the same time. Prior to this week early issues were under $10. Hmmmmmm…

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Good catch. I would have never thought to look at sales for this at this moment

I rarely see this series in bins/shops. Especially 2-8.
I make it a point to look and still haven’t seen them.
The #12 McFarlane is really cool. Thankfully I went heavy on that back then.

I never see those first 8 or 10 issues at shops.

Same here.