Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)


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Hate is a strong word. Not aligned with my goals is a better way to describe it.

Turning 50 this yearā€¦suddenly long term spec is not as appealing as it used to be.


Ha @D-Rog I turned 50 this year. I am actually looking at starting my exit strategy for comics over the next 10-13 years, selling everything off. I think that is my retirement goal.

Retire, collect my pension at 63. Sell comics. Collect Social Security at 67, hope I live a lot longer than that.


How many of your books do you reckon youā€™ll hold on to because you are too emotionally attached to them to sell?

Probably less than 100

Most stuff I bought with the idea that I will sell later at a profit.

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Ditto - I was just let go at my place of work after 38 years. (Iā€™m 60) and am now exiting the collecting world of comics.

My biggest fear is there are many in our age group that are doing the same, which will flatten prices down so I need to jump on this immediately before others do the same.

There will be many more leaving the hobby than will be entering the hobby imo. Thatā€™s a problem


Good point. The only people I see at my LCS are men in their 20-40ā€™s. Seems todayā€™s youth arenā€™t buying comics like we did in the 80ā€™s and early 90ā€™s.


One of the cool things that Third Eye does is attract younger kids.

A lot of them read manga, so when the $1.99 Mark Millar comic came out (Night Club) they ordered heavily. Any kid who bought a manga that was superheroish or related to Vampires, they would give them a copy of the first issue for free. Try to get that crossover.

Truth is the hobby has become lazy, and I put this on the retailers and publishers, they do nothing to really attract kids. The stories are not approachable or relatable. I mean, its the same thing with toys and all, there is nothing to grab the kids attention. I was playing with GI Joe up until I was like 13. My kids stopped playing with action figures by 10.


sorry to hear @Bill What did you do?

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Iā€™m an Engineering Manager at a worldwide Healthcare company.
Myself and my entire group were let go and jobs were replaced overseas

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Sorry to hear this!


Thx ā€¦ itā€™s just lit a fire under my @ss to begin selling off 50 long boxes and 15 graded boxes of stuff.
Being the last year ā€œBoomerā€ (1964) I feel like I waited too long to start really dumping my books.
This gets me on the ball to really start this now and Iā€™m sure other Boomers that are older than me and were a part of that huge collecting time period (60ā€™s and 70ā€™s) are also dumping their books in retirement.
Better late than never


Sorry to hear. Executives will do almost anything for higher profits. It will be that way until thereā€™s no middle class left to buy their product

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Sorry to hear that. Companies just donā€™t care anymore. 13 guys lost their job here at my work a couple of weeks ago. First said a lay off, but became permanent.


Yup, if it takes some books 20 or so years to become more valuable, you gotta look at it at that angle nowā€¦ will I even be around to make it worth my while?


46 now, hope to semi-retire when youngest graduates in 2 years. Then I want to be completely done before Iā€™m 55ā€¦ The only thing Iā€™ll mostly spend my money on then is vacations to create memories, see the world hopefully. Everything else spent is just basics to live. I donā€™t need much, too many activities you can find for free and super cheap.

Also past year started to really dive more into stocks, individual investingā€¦ itā€™s been paying off lately and hopefully fast tracking my retirement age to be sooner rather than later. Net worth has exploded over past few months so thatā€™s been excitingā€¦ :slight_smile:

If I keep working, Iā€™m only gonna work for health insurance probablyā€¦ but my exit plan is to likely retire in country that has universal healthcare, so thatā€™s something Iā€™m poking around with now to see where I wanna go and thereā€™s a few places I need to visit before making such decision.


Sorry to hear this. Iā€™ve seen this kind of thing happen within a company I worked for and it is such a wound to morale.


My youngest is 10. That means I am not retiring for at least 11 more years when heā€™s out of collage.

I had to clean up my basement and organize my comics before hosting family last weekā€¦it was a stark reminder of how much stuff I really donā€™t have strong attachment too. Problem is even though I slowed down my purchasesā€¦the sales are almost non existent now.


Weā€™re back to $1 bins selling like mad; everything else is questionable.
And graded moderns for the most part? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I wonder if we work for the same company. I wasnā€™t let go but each team lost at least one person and itā€™s a big company. Crazy and sad stuff.

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