Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

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Yes, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m the old guy who googled what the association was between the word Grommet and the skateboarding/surfer comm was. I never had heard of that term. Iā€™m a midwest boy though also.

Now Iā€™m curious, my kids (and by default me) watched that ā€œLords of Dogtownā€ movie on replay quite a bit when they were young. I wonder if that term was used in that movie?

I def missed the boat on this comic but I did happen to find a copy of #1 sitting on a rack so I grabbed it. Fun comic book. I can see why itā€™s popular.


I picked it up because I was part of that 80ā€™s skateboard and punk scene here on the east coast. It is a fun book.


I never have skated in real-world situations but have shredded in some Tony Hawk games.

We used to play the shit out of Tony Hawk Pro Skater on PlayStation back in the day. Play it straight through.


I could really go for some mindless skating. My favorite game in the series was 4 (I think??) whichever one had the build your own skatepark feature and the challenges specific to skaters.


All the What If? Iron Man: Demon in an Armor #1 are gone.

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Seems like this is getting heat


I was told I shouldnā€™t be speccing on Infamous Iron Man 1. :frowning_face:

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Seems like quite a few books are getting the SDCC boost.

Sold my copy of this literally 10 minutes after I had posted it.


I think the issue is that these books and the issue of any spec, is that it already passed with them. I canā€™t think of any of these books that werenā€™t already discussed and stocked up on in quantity.

To me, that means DO NOT buy in, purchase, or delve into the hype associated with any of this stuff unless we are talking stocking up out of back issue bins for cheap. You donā€™t want to be the one holding the bagā€¦we know how this game works.

Now IS the time to make that spec money if you already played the spec game prior and bought in low. The only choice I can see is make your money now or hold out for the trailers.

Serious questionā€¦did anyone not have these books?

I know I always take the angle of viewing all of us as sellers. I fully realize the thousands of folks out there buying this stuff. Definitely not saying they arenā€™t. Iā€™m glad they areā€¦makes us money. I just canā€™t imagine tossing away money so needlessly as the track record for this stuff proves it wonā€™t hold value.


I think the idea was that once people realize this book has really nothing to do with the plot, itā€™s going to fall hard. in other words, if you find one, move itā€¦itā€™s not a hold book.


Isnā€™t that a pretty good summary about this entire spec hobby? People react before thinking is pretty much the norm I thinkā€¦


I have a con Iā€™ll be at for most of the weekend (upcoming weekend). As a Biker Scout itā€™s really easy to sit back and observe things as nobody can see my eyes or what Iā€™m attending to, paying attention to. Should be interesting to see the walls, books, prices & buying habits with the recent news. Iā€™ll try to report out.


With ā€œWhat if: Demon in an Armorā€ heating up as much as it is I am surprised " What if General Ross became the Hulk" hasnā€™t seen any love. As far as I know it is the first time he became the Hulk even if not Red.


Oh, thatā€™s a good one, I have that I mean. Hidden gem right there.

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Watch out for Ewoksā€¦


Well yeahā€¦ all those storm troopers and other troopers with helmets with limited viewing capabilities really sets the Empire up for failure right? heheā€¦

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Meh, found most of these current hot books for cover price or cheaper at a place but they wanted to play the ā€œoh, sorryā€¦we weā€™re going to look and pull these booksā€¦weā€™ll have to look them upā€.

I know that happens and isnā€™t anything new, but I very rarely experience it.

I wonā€™t lose any sleep over it and will likely find them again but I actually hate doing their work for them.
I donā€™t have the What If Doom Demon in Armor book and that was cover priceā€¦grrr. Sure as heck ainā€™t paying that absurd going rate for that one.