Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

As soon as I hear that line, I’m out and they won’t be ever seeing me again. Comic shop owners can run their business any way they want to, I’m just not going to be doing their work for them and will be the last time I’ll ever visit that shop.


wrong thread, sorry

Deadpool and Wolverine WW3 #1 and #2 have hit the Weekly Movers list on CovrPrice, obviously because of the movie. The first issue has a real lack of stock on eBay, MCS is down to hawking FN and VF mid grade copies, so if you can find one for cover should be an easy flip.


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Why would that be trending? There’s nothing that wild in the issue and it’s not like they haven’t teamed up a bunch before!


I have no idea, the story isn’t even remotely related to the movie. Short term flip at best, unless your a believer in Wade Wilson the 3rd.

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Sold my lone copy of Infamous Iron Man #1 (I bought it years ago for cover at my LCS). Got $85 plus shipping on eBay for it. Thank you, FOMO. Once people figure out it has nothing to do with the movies, well, that’s not my problem.


P.S. It didn’t last 12 hours at $85 plus shipping.

It was a solid 9.8, but if I sent it to CGC, who knows if the price demand would still be there by the time it got back. The market moves too fast these days for me to take the chance.

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It won’t necessarily have to have any relation the storyline, especially if there’s isn’t an alternative book to chase

I found three warm Doom/Brave New World books for $3 each and quickly sold for $30 each. Nice little summer spec spike.

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Been finding these at back issue bins. Got a little bump this week


On fire!!

I can tell you at the con I was at this weekend nobody was paying attention to it yet either. All eyes, displays were on the Doom stuff at silly prices that nobody was buying. I pulled a couple copies of this book out of boxes and called it good. Should have pulled even more I guess.

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Good grief. People go bananas for just about anything they see in a movie. Oh my gosh, that was on the screen for 25 seconds! I must have it! Congrats on everyone flipping those who found them cheap. Strike while the iron is hot. Funny thing is, you (FOMO herd hot list sucker) buy it for $50+ now and then what? When the hype fades and you are on to the next thing in a few months…well, the cycle just continues.


At least it was on screen for 30 or so seconds. Where was my Taylor Swift cameo the internet promised me?

It’s truly unbelievable that we’re like… what… 15 years into this speculation game.

  1. News hits
  2. FOMO
  3. then later, a downturn in values.

And yet so so many people still get roped into #2 and don’t learn from the last 15 years.
If half the hobbyists weren’t so dumb, I’d swear none of us would ever make any $$$.


Bill, no truer words have ever been spoken, lol.


honestly I wish I still had energy to participate it in. I can see it as you all here do but I’m too lazy/old lol
I just vicariously live through ya’ll
Sometimes Ill participate if I come across stuff by accident though.


Do what I do and browse Facebook for local stuff. Easier than going to shows cuz they can be exhausting. Buy bulk lots cheap, sort through them for fun when able, good times!


I browse Facebook all the time, most of the time the good stuff I find the people do not answer. I did sell an arcade carpet on there for more than I paid, sold quickly too.

Oh yeah, it can be a total crapshoot. I have met some cool people though.