Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 2)

gonna crack 200 raw soon


The open order Weekly Movers from CovrPrice for this past NCBD:


Aubrey Plaza cover will be great seller when she does signings


Tip of iceberg or just one crazy spec’r over reacting to Marvel movie rumors?

Or both

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i thought we’d see union jack before capt Britain

All this talk of Jeff and Galacta got me thinking about Strange Academy again. Doom Academy is coming after all


It wouldn’t surprise me if 2025 has some kind of Strange Academy cartoon/show/movie announced.


Start a 2025 Predictions topic

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I saw, and I kid you not, about 30+ Excalibur #1s scattered throughout a single vendors long boxes last week
all looked NM or better.

$5 ea though. If they were $1 bins I’d have grabbed them all.


Mine did the same thing with the spoiler variant where they had it for $14.99 each, and would only allow you to get 1 book per customer. Lets say you wanted Cover A to read and then get the Spoiler Variant at their marked up $15 price tag, nope it wasn’t allowed. My LCS owner thinks that she is sneaky doing these type of things, and hope one day it comes back to bite them for it. I do buy quite a bit of books each week so I hate it when us regulars get treated this way.

Another easy flip that I bet you’ll have no problem finding in your local bins. Jeff’s first cover appearance.

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If you can make a quick buck, go for it.

That’s about as weak a first cover as Venom on ASM 315.

There should be a “First Relevant Cover” like we have cameos and films to justify why we pay crazy money for non first appearances.

Would that be the Deadpool #1 (JTC Variant 2020)?

Suspiria will be the Spears of 2025


May I ask where did you bought / preorder from? Was it like Midtown / TFAW?

I’m not sure I understand. I didn’t pre-order these books. Do you mean what I normally use?

So this morning the power went out at my place. Just great, first thing in the morning on a Saturday. I wasn’t planning to this week but figured I’ll take this as an opportunity to go hunting. Goal was finding copies of It’s Jeff and Headless Horseman knowing full well the chances of finding these are slim to none. Of course if I find any Spears goodness that’ll be cool too but wasn’t getting my hopes up.

I went to the first store and I shit you not, they had a Jeff the Landshark section on their current releases section :thinking:
Why it’s there I have no idea. Right on the rack with this week’s releases. Picked up another copy of It’s Jeff and also a copy the 2024 It’s Jeff Jeffverse, figured why not. Left a bunch of Venomverse and other Jeff books.

I asked the shop owner if he had more copies of Jeff or other variants :blush:. He told me that was all he had, I thanked him.

Found a bunch of Headless Horseman but wrong cover :rage:
Went to another shop and the same thing, they had at least 6 copies but not the right cover.

Went to 3 shops and also did grocery shopping, came home and the power is still out. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Unbelievable. Got word that a crew is working on it and power should be restored in a half hour.

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The Spears Apex FOC cracks me up. People going nuts for this book must not know about all his other non-monster covers of books. Just because he is hot they have to get this one. His Spawn covers etc still haven’t heated up to the level of this one book. I have to believe if any book came out this week with a Spears cover, it would have been “the book” to get. It’s Spears, not Thundercats selling this book. So what about all the other Spears’ covers that haven’t gone double digit yet? The FOMO crowd just can’t think for their own. If it’s not on a list they don’t know what was in the past. Well, let’s see if lightning continues to strike. Gunslinger Spawn 2 has a Spears cover on FOC. It’s not Monsters. In a month let’s see if it “goes Apex”.


This was largely affected by Diamond’s late shipping. Bunch of copies should be arriving to the market late.

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