Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Shouldn’t been so fixated on being a “DC Collector”, missed out on so many keys especially MARVEL. Damn… least didn’t miss out on BMWL and Vengeance of Bane, but nothing can match any of the NEXT GEN SPIDER characters. Least I picked up 2 x DareDevil 168 CGC 9.4. Anyway, that was my rant and my fix for the day. Couldn’t afford a real therapist. So thank you guys. Need a way to make myself feel better bout missing the MARVEL gravy train…

@_@ …


By the way, when did this thread turned into a STAR WAR / MARVEL thread. Guess, its flavor of the week. I wonder what this thread look like in 1-3 year? (Maybe more STAR WAR / MARVEL comics) lol.

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My buying habits have definitely changed in the last 2 years as the spec market and market in general have moved. I went from 50/50 Marvel/DC split to 50/30/20 Marvel/Indie/DC split.

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Is there anything else spec worthy at the moment? Modern comic wise?


Star Wars collectors only group of comic collectors I know of that pay $500 for a book available for cover. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Show me DC books heating up and we can talk about them. DC has made so many new characters in the last two years, and 99% of them have not amounted to anything hot. And the 1% either cool off quickly or just never reach Marvel levels. Sorry, but DC sucks. I almost was going to make another thread to discuss what DC needs to do to become fresh and exciting again, but DC is so boring I couldn’t even get the interest to make the thread. The biggest heat they could generate last year was making characters have different sexual preferences. That pales in comparison to creating new, interesting characters with potential longevity. The other DC card last year was, “oh look, so and so has a long list sibling!”. They went to that well a bunch of times too. Marvel is where it’s at, with some Indie books. I can’t see the pendulum swinging DC’s way anytime soon. But it will eventually. Change is inevitable.


It was the exact opposite 10-12 years ago DC was the hot thing with the New 52, Mortal Kombat vs DC, and Christian Bale Batman. DC silver age keys and the few affordable gold age keys during this time went higher than Marvel books. A low grade Braniac would sell for the same as a low grade AF15. Things like Ultimate Fallout 4 were worthless the 1:25 variant was $20 meanwhile Batman new anything was $50. It wasn’t until the start of the MCU did the tide start to change and it could swing easily swing back. Peacemaker is widely liked, the last suicide squad movie was good, Snyder cut was good enough, as long as they can keep the ship in the right direction the tide could turn. Then all these people that wouldn’t touch DC will be scrambling and fomoing and pushing prices up to get their copies.


Yeah, DC prices are ridiculously low across all eras. Sure Action 1 and Tec 27 won’t go anywhere but up, but DC has failed, for the most part, to capture the public’s interest and imagination. This is reflected by the price people are willing to pay for back issues.

Anything silver age/Bronze age Batman LOL. After all, it seems like that the only thing DC can do. DC publishing should just be named “Batman & Others”. Heard from somewhere, that DC is currently publishing bout 60% Batman while costing a dollar more for Cardstock book. With everything that is being spec on being MARVEL, this spec site should be sponsored by MARVEL comics lol.

Outside of Walking Dead, Something is Killing Children, Invincible, anything else being spec worthy for INDY?

lol miss those days, I remember those early NEW 52 issue actually worth something till they had to re-number it and killed it with rebirth. For the early part of the NEW 52, I really enjoyed it. Later on, most of the series blew even Batman and the Bloom arc…

Yeah, when all the existing exec done milking them or get fired… yes its matter of time…

DC needs to get its act together with its film universe and where they want it to go. Having the Rock on board will definitely bring excitement to his movies but they need to have a big bad to go after with multiple phases and film properties intertwined like the MCU. Darkseid or Brainiac would be good choices for something grand like that. Hopefully they do something with Mister Miracle as well. A lot of potential with DC , it just needs to be used. We’ll see.

Marvel is also constantly crapping out new characters or rebooting identities and frankly a lot of these characters also don’t amount to much, but cause the MCU is so popular and really good people attach these new characters the MCU when realistically it probably won’t happen or at least not for a long while. The MCU side and marvel comics are two different entities and I think there’s a lot more communication than there probably is. Kevin feige on paper is also in charge of marvel comics but the guy is juggling a million different mcu projects so I really doubt he has much time or even really does any work on the comics side

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The Snyder Cut was bad. Way too long, still awful takes on the characters. Until DC has someone coordinating all of their movie and TV properties and hires good people to write them, they will be way behind Marvel.

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DC has one decent WW movie, and a couple of James Gunn projects that were good. Doom Patrol is good and that moved the needle exactly zero.

DC’s comics are a mess right now also.

Shazam was good. Suicide Squad and the incredible long named Harley Quinn movie wasn’t bad. Same with Peace Maker. When they don’t go too dark they are good.

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They rereleased Justice League Snyder Cut in Grey to be extra dark.


Looks like copies of FF #41 Sway Black History variant are drying up. Midtown already down to 1 per customer. eBay already double cover.

Can’t blame them with the Moon Girl series coming. It’s pretty sweet. Wish I had ordered more, but I don’t think art was available pre-FOC

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When observed closely, DC fails to produce any kind of “flavor”/genre beside dark and gloomy AKA Batman. One can argue WW 1984 was MEH.

The only light hearted movie was Shazaam which is more inline with MARVEL. Point is not much genre and no connectivity between movies ( or done well connectivity)

Also it doesn’t help your fund manager (WB to Discovery) keep changing and the writing team of DC mostly has been replaced with comic noobs (no more comic writer vet/proven vet)

Doesn’t help they have no competent platform guy in charge (Kevin Ferge) running the show. Mostly exec seems to be counting their pay check.