Moon Knight #5 spec

Damn didn’t know they made Ted Cruz into a comic character

There were an absolute boatload of Zodiac issues on Amazon for dirt cheap. While I realize there are some bad sellers, after you use Amazon awhile you know the good ones.

The experts arguing about “who discovered it first” were really in full effect on this one lol.

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Haha… discovered… yeah, umm… google knew before they did! :wink:

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Where? YouTube videos?

The book was also now added to the “hot key” list :slight_smile:

Smoke em if you got em!

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@thefallenone Instagram is where I saw most of the talk on it and posts yesterday.

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A good sign

sheeple are going to buy

Once fomo wears off, we’ll see if people care. I say not


Ted Cruz?

Zodiac Killer composite sketch from 1969 or so…

This is why I love Key Collector so much. Never ever heard of this book, but checked the bins on NCBD for the recent alerts. Find two copies in $2 bin. First one out the door in minutes for $30. Guess I’ll put the next one up for $50 and see what happens. Easy money.

Why use KCC when we’re talking about the shit before KCC sends out the alerts? :wink:


Cause some people NEED to be told by kcc what to buy. Saying it here doesn’t move the needle enough.


Heh…be sure to check both “D” and “Z” lol…had a shop worker jokingly irritated…he went and searched through the D section for Dark Reign books for it but didn’t think to just hit up the Z section! Win for me!!!

Surprisingly., the dirt cheap copies from Amazon sellers I trust all shipped. That’s rare.

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yeah I’ve never heard of zodiac either lol. I didn’t really get into comics more hardcore till like 2012 ish around new 52

What is frustrating is when people don’t have to do any research. I respect someone a lot more who does the work themselves.

I don’t think you understand this book was talked about on this forum well before the KCC alert. I guess I could of been like the guys at KCC and bought every cheap copy up to sell since I bought the second copy sold on Nov 16 before 50 other copies sold that day. No instead I bought one and told people about the spec and the only reason I took time to research what was going on in Moonknight is because of @thefallenone thread on the book from 22 days ago. So praising KCC because it’s a tool at your fingertips and made you $20 today isn’t anything to brag about if you were here taking a productive part in the conversation when we discussed this spec you could of bought all the cheap copies if you wanted to.


I was wondering what took so long for this to happen in this thread

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