Mystery boxes. Total Scams

Man. There have been some scammy, scummy, mystery boxes in the past but I think I found the scummiest one ever. Guy has been collecting for 35 years and selling comics in his mystery boxes. 20 comics. The ones he showed off from a blind mystery pull were crap. Check out these screen grabs from Facebook.

So how much is this mystery box of 20 quarter bin comics?

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Even better is if you don’t buy the mystery box you can get 30 comics for 59.98

Old guy selling his comic collection…

Calls it a “mystery box”…

People like this deserve all the hate thats coming.


Did the guy selling these say he hardly knows about comics? weird way to pitch a mystery box by saying theres so many great stuff and then saying I dont know much about them lol


Exactly, but he is claiming you will be able to get great deals as a result

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I saw this too and it absolutely cracked me up.

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So obnoxious


He knows enough how to scam you.

So I give you $80, and I get 2 pre 90s “vintage” drek in fine or better condition.

But if I order 3 boxes ($240) I have a good shot at getting a comic worth $100…!!

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Not 2 random dreck, 2 packs of 10 worthless comics, more worthless by the comic. You need to watch the video where he opens a pack, pure crap.

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Ah, found it. Wow……$80 for 20 camp fire starters!

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Is this guy actually implying he expects to sell 100,000 mystery boxes at $80 each?

Well, who could be expected to know anything about comic books after 35+ years? :rofl: