Naomi, She's back!

I have a theory about Naoimi. I think she is going to end up a Gold Lantern. Her costume has moved more towards that end.

Interesting you say that.

Saw a sold listing of a copy of Brightest Night 7 in title also said “Naomi Tie In?”

The costume change was in issue 5 right? Or did she get a new costume after that?

I just noticed her on the cover of a Justice League book and said “who is that Gold Lantern” and then flipped through it and said “ah Naomi”

Yes. I believe so. I stocked up mighty big on that book. Seeing some movement, but nothing to get excited about.

Do you mean to say a Gold Lantern of today? Since the other guy who was a Gold lantern too was from the future am i right?