Need info/advice: Cheesecake warning

Hey all. I bought a few lots of comics and got just a ton of cool stuff. I did get a couple cheesecakey books, and this isn’t really my thing. And, I can’t seem to find info or price comps. I’d like to sell these. They seem pretty low print, and I know this stuff can sell for decent dollars.

Any recommendations on price points to throw on ebay would be appreciated.

Censored pics in a minute…

Faro’s Lounge 1 Scream variant. I can find three more clothed versions, but not this fully nude one. Back cover says limited to 75.

Totally Rad Comics Presents 1. No info

Faro’s Lounge American Safari Sketchbook. This says limited to just 25 copies.

Do I just put $100 on each and see if anyone bites?

Might have a hard time selling under comics category on eBay, might have to sell under the adult categories.

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130 point shows a number of Faro’s Lounge versions, some nude, they seem to go for 20 to 50. I would start high and gradually reduce, unless you want rid of them, at $20 they would go no problem.

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Certain Reddit groups might be best. eBay frowns on anything too saucy. The whatnot app is lenient on saucy comics if you ever use it for selling (I quit selling on it some time ago). Some Facebook groups for saucy comics exist too.

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What was your buy in on them?

97 cents per. :slight_smile:

It was about 170 books total.

Ho Crap, how did you work that out? I want in lol

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And, there were some fun books in the buy. Mostly newer stuff, but many incentives and exclusives.

Last Ronin 1 first print was fun to find in this lot.


I’ve found it varies but is almost completely dependent on the artist’s following or the character’s following. it’s never really about the comic itself. there will typically be tiers, i.e. full nude, partial nude, clothed, etc, so you should price them accordingly.

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More flesh = more money, I suppose.

I just like the choice of post-its. “The Buzz”. You can say that again.

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