New Moon Knight Series (Jed MacKay and Alessandro Cappucio July 2021)

I am trying to think if there are any major Marvel characters that haven’t been:

  1. Mashed up somehow
  2. Have the identical character be a mom, dad, son, daughter, gender changed, old man, old lady, immortalized, or change their color?

I’m thinking the answer to that question is quantity 0, but if it’s not zero, it’s darn close.
The laziest of lazy storytelling / change imo.
Just as I forget why I stopped reading Marvel, I get reminded why.


Name one enduring character from any publisher that had lasted for at least 30 years that have not undergone the same. Guess all publishers are lazy too?

They ran out of good ideas in the 70’s. Now it’s just take some else’s idea and change it a little. Same with Hollywood.

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Right around the time they shut down research into psychedelics and the war on drugs began, huh? Wonder if there’s mere correlation or causation.



Dunno - I had to rack my brains through the myriad of Marvel characters in order to get to my conclusion. But if it’s being done elsewhere, then yes it is also a quick, lazy out to telling an interesting story for whomever does it. It’s the same repetitive stuff over and over and over. However, It does seem to work because everyone gravitates towards those stories since a media situation might ultimately be involved (and thus $$$$). I mean who doesn’t like to speculate on new characters regardless of the story content if it means making a profit?. In the end, though, from a storytelling perspective its re-hashed unoriginal content.

All said, I did think of one character subsequent to my post and interestingly enough (didn’t even initially realize it), it is the one and only book I’ll still read from Marvel on occasion when its published. A character who is pretty much the same as when he was introduced in the 1930’s - Conan. Bravo Marvel :roll_eyes:

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Well, Barbarians by their very reputation are not well-situated for adapting to new markets. How do you update a barbarian? Conan, Space Barbarian? Actually, I’d read that.

Marvel, I demand Conan, Space Barbarian!


worked for a samurai rabbit … just saying.

Begging for a team up with Thundarr…


Make Conan blue; have there be a she-conan; talk up blue she-conan on amazon; have Bjorn del’otto (or whomever) do the covers with a SM 300 cover and we’ve gone full superficial crap like most everything else marvel puts out.
Added bonus: if one can say the cover is “sick” or “dope” we have a clear winner

Can we have a cover with “drip” and also one with “vibe” as well please?


Lmao that sounds funny as hell

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You would have to also credit Dark Horse for Conan, since there was a period in which they did the publishing.

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You mean Cosmic Barbarian! He already had a god-sword!

I absolutely loved that show. Pretty sure we had to get up a little extra early to watch that one on Saturday morning!


Moon Knight 6 Rahzzah Devils Reign (Moon Knight x Thanos) Variant


That’s pretty badass.

Moon Knight 7 Rahzzah


Can Rahzzah do every book but She Hulk please? These are very badass…

I just want to say I haven’t enjoyed a Moon Knight series this much since the Huston and Benson stuff.