New Variant Ratios on TFAW

Anyone know what’s going on with this book?

Did this book come out? Has a release date of 6/2. Mine hasn’t processed and still available as a “pre-order”.


(My favorite meme now)


Did you guys not get the memo, we are not allowed to talk about tfaw at all unless it is strictly positive experiences, no questions are allowed.


Damages they told me in a chat. Hopefully it shows up this week, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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That’s not the case at all. The thread was locked due to name calling. I have expressed my issues with them here and on that thread, but if people are going to stoop to name calling then the threads will get locked. It will reopen later when heads cool off.

Please don’t act silly, that is not the case at all.

But we probably should stick to topic though.

Furthermore, if you want to open a new thread and talk about issues that doesn’t result in people being called names, feel free, but side tracking a thread that is dedicated to a specific thing, in this case ratio variants available on tfaw, then it’s not going to work. Also, feel free to open a topic for ratios available at other stores. I started this thread with the idea that I was helping people out by showing them what variants are available. But if you all don’t want this to continue I will close out the thread.

I’ll say just one more thing:

The other reason the other topic was closed was not only it was non-constructive but it was just a negative shit show of whining and griping. CHU is not TFAW’s or any other retailers customer service department. If you have issues with an order, questions about an order, you’re best option is to just contact them directly. If you just come to gripe and complain about ANY retailer without contacting their customer service first for resolution or answers, then that’s all it is, a glorified bitching session that resolves nothing.

The Online Store Report thread will open again, once people prove they can act like adults within it (don’t call the very people who operate CHU assclowns is a good start if you ask me). If you want to just let the world know XYZ Retailer sucks, then honestly just keep that to yourself or to another website. Reddit I hear is a huge cesspool for idiotic statements that resolve nothing, go there instead to post such nonsense non-constructive posts that resolve nothing and you just want to be heard.

So, new TFAW ratio variants. I actually bought the Skottie Young “Me You Love in the Dark” cause I read the book and thought it was pretty damn awesome. I rarely buy variants over cover price but I don’t have time to hit up my shop which likely won’t have that one available anyways.


maybe just start a new thread for bad store experience and leave the variant thread to variants

That’s what the Online Store Report is, to report on experiences but it will reopen soon enough. What we’re asking is to be more constructive. If it’s just gonna be a huge bitching and ranting session, that’s what we’re trying to avoid moving forward.

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Speaking as someone who does, at least attempt, to avoid problems on forums, I have to say that there is an element of subjectivity when it comes to statements of a negative tone. One has to be super careful and honestly I often don’t know where that line is because it often depends on if someone will complain or whom it bothers.
It is unfortunate, but also a reality of being on a public forum. I’ve had things of a negative nature that I think folks would find helpful on here but I struggle to even bother writing as I know I could get scolded by some random boardie who doesn’t like it; and honestly that is the last thing I want.

I’ve had nothing but positive statements for TFAW on almost all orders. And since it’s positive, I will say it. If they weren’t positive, I think the smart thing at this point would be not to mention it.

Sometimes its simply about educating oneself as to who is on the boards and what sets people off and then not doing it.


Thanks for the info! Crossing fingers it’s soon!

Just a heads up, I kind of saw all the complaining above…just wanted to say I wasn’t trying to add to that, just had a genuine question and I recall it being talked about a while ago on here :slight_smile:


Here’s a way to approach when doing reviews/experiences by asking yourself a basic yes/no questions to determine if it’s worthwhile:

Are my comments going to benefit me and only me? If Yes, then I should probably just keep it to myself. If No, I should try to keep it clean, constructive and not act like a ranting baby in my review and if someone doesn’t agree with me, don’t take it personal.


Maybe we could make a custom template people could fill out, with a very short comment box for any unique items.

For instance:

Store Name: XXXXXX
Shipping Speed Paid For: 1 - 5 STARS Rating
Shipping Speed Received: 1 - 5 STARS Rating
Quantity of Books Ordered: X # of books
Quantity Damaged? X # of damages
Accurate Description? 1 - 5 STARS Rating
Customer Service? 1 - 5 STARS Rating
Packaging Quality? 1 - 5 STARS Rating
Comment Field: No more than 2 or 3 sentences

Something like that…and if someone doesn’t comment that and only that…the comment is deleted automatically. I don’t know how to do it…just suggesting some standard format so that it doesn’t get derailed in the future.

Sorry to post here…just didn’t have anywhere else to put it since the comments were here :slight_smile:


That is a fire cover! I missed out through TFAW but got as a part of a store variant package. I’m usually one of the first to my LCS on Wed mornings and get my pick of the ratio litter so I might grab a second copy if they don’t price it to high.

Save all the ideas when the Online Report reopens… we probably should get back on topic.


I was late to the show yesterday. Everything was out but I managed to get the stray dogs Crow homage cover. Don’t know how but I’ll take it. I see some pretty high eBay presales on it. Plus I just love the horror movie covers. I wish these weren’t the final printings. I say keep them coming. Give me an issue 3 10th printing that homages the Vince Vaughn version of Psycho- I’ll buy it!

I believe they announced another series, we will get a ton more of these.

I wonder if I can cancel that Tfaw preorder for Boba Action Figure. Got 5 other copies elsewhere.

Probably not if it was ordered prior to FOC. I tried once long ago and got the spill about them only ordering such copies because I told them to and promised to buy them since I didn’t update prior to FOC. Which to me is fair, if they only ordered because of me, well, then… I should fulfill my obligation.

If it’s older than 90 days, they probably will. Anything under that, likely not.