Odds and Ends

Curious if anyones seen this, wolverine fan film set in viking times going viral past few days


I watched it the other day and sent the link to a bunch of friends…

The consensus was…Marvel needs to hire these guys.

The fight choreography and brutality was amazing. This is Wolverine in true Berserk Mode.

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Good effects and choreography, but like most fan films, dubious acting and paper thin story. If the best actor in a Wolverine fan film is Magneto, well…

Yeah I thought the dialogue was really bad (no media should still be using the we’re not so different you and I line anymore) and my only other nitpick was they made the claws look like adamantium which they do look good but they’re supposed to be bone claws

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For fans of Friday the 13th


I’ve heard some good word of mouth from advance screenings. Right up my alley as long as it isn’t too shaky/Blair Witch like. Those first person films (and video games) can make me nauseous.

I’ve heard it is absolutely brutal in terms of gore and such. One other note, seems to have a pretty selective release movie theatre wise also. Maybe that will change if it does well.

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I will watch it the same way I watched Late Night with the Devil, online most likely.

Did you enjoy Late Night with the Devil? It was better than I expected.

The ending kind of ruined it for me but the rest was prettt good.

Perfect 100% score

For now. There is always some contrarian who likes to hate what everyone loves or love what everyone hates.

I hated the show. :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:


The last time we got an animated x-men series was 2009 and it lasted only 26 episodes

I initially had this in my post on modern comics heating up…but since it isn’t heating up, and I did not want to give the impression at all that it is I edited that post and am moving the blurb here.

“Another thought…no it isn’t heating up, I’m not implying it is or will, but my gut tells me that if you are someone who sells at cons/show, you should grab a few extra of that Spiderman #50 John Tyler Christopher cover. That is a very cool, eye catching cover and will very easily sell if displayed on a comic wall from my experience. I’ve sold many books to fans of a character simply because it looks great…they don’t even care about comics per se…this one fits that bill.”

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If it is anything like the games there will be ample explosions.


Oh just great. :man_facepalming:

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