Odds and Ends

@agentpoyo’s real name finally revealed

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That would be so cool to have that name…


TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #1 has pre-orders over 300,000

Is chapters 1 & 2 the whole story? Or does each chapter represent an issue of the 12 series comic?

the whole series is being broken up into 2 movies,so basically part 1 and part 2

Kept waiting to finally see what the McFarlane cover for this was going to be.
Always crazy how long it takes to see what his cover will look like.


Francesco Mattina getting called out… again. Unsurprisingly, a guy who has repeatedly lifted from others’ work is now using AI, and not even being careful about it.



Lol I follow Neb. Theyre pretty funny

What a shock.

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Wonder if that is why my post on Mattina stealing from other artists is blowing up the past two days.


That’s engagement for sure!

I stopped buying Mattina’s stuff years ago. Guy is a hack and needs to go find another job that he can actually do himself rather than cheat…


I also always felt that Mattina’s style was done the way it was done to hide the fact he’s just copying/tracing other work. He probably used overlays to make them super dark and to hide stuff…

There’s that, and there’s often tons of motion blur

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Yup, trace image, add all your dark overtones and layers to image, blur the ■■■■ out of it… pass off as your own. It’s the Mattina way…

And now clearly from the proof above, he’s simplified his work even more by just using AI to generate the shit out of it.

I’m all for using AI to assist us in life but when it comes to artwork, if you use AI, you’re just effing lazy and you should not be proud of such work or yourself for that matter. Go find a new profession I say if AI does all the actual hard work for you!


Exactly. I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so I can focus on writing. I don’t want AI to write for me so I can do chores!



What the hell is that?

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