Odds and Ends

True or not, there are some sick people in the world.

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I hate humans, truly.


I’m almost entirely vegan now, never have to worry about this ever again!

People screw veggies too. Look out for cukes that… oh never mind.

Lots of accidental nudity on TFAW in the new catalog.

Pop Kill #1 Stelfreeze was not censored at all. Same thing with Axa Classics #1. They usually censor these covers.

Pop Kill is the book that Adam Hughes helped make famous and was previously only available on Kickstarter.

you got more clicks out of those than your TFAW ratio variants list.


Because boobies.

Should I stop doing them then? Just curious. If people don’t want them I can stop. It does take up a good portion of my Monday evening.

Quick question, does ebay allow you to send media mail for comics?

No and yes lol. No cuz comic is not considered a book. And yes cuz I have done it in the past. But if you get caught, you just pay the difference.

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how would they catch you? do they open the packages?

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I think they allow you to do whatever you want as long as you can prove it via tracking.

My local PO inspected some of the packages I received and found comics in them. They sent them back to the sender.

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That’s harsh. But risk you take when you use media

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LOL, I don’t think we have media postage here but I like that the US version says books of more than 8 pages - good, scripts - good, periodicals - good, printed music - good, and then make a point of saying specifically, comics - NO GOOD. Sounds like a personal crusade of some Postmaster General or another.

anything with advertising isn’t eligible as media. That’s why magazines and comics are excluded.

Kind of a petty definition, but :woman_shrugging:

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I’ve found trade paperbacks to be ok, as they strip out all advertising. Individual comics, nope.

Trade Paperbacks can be sent media mail with no problem.

I once was able to argue with the post office about some random indie comics as they had no ads.

Mainstream comics? You’re pushing it and could get in trouble.

II have sent comics through media mail recently. Old cheap reader copies though, I don’t take a chance with them opening up and trying to repackage anything a buyer would consider collectible or expect in high grade.

They’re supposed to hold it until the buyer pays the difference in shipping costs. Not sure why they sent it back, unless you refused delivery.