Odds and Ends

Why? These are classics and are already top notch movies… I hate Hollywood… come up with new ideas instead of regurgitating old movies that don’t need to be “refreshed”…


Oh course the studios are desperate and milking the IPs dry…

At least the originals will get some more attention from the later generations. I don’t think my kids even have heard of these…I need to sit them down and watch the originals first.

Mine watched them… we use to do movie night every saturday and we’d do a lot of the movies we grew up with so the kids know about these awesome things! :wink:

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Mine have watched them.

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Couldn’t agree more. Why remake a classic? Greed.

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My grown sons & I still will bellow “HEYYYYY YOU GUYSSSSSS” at the top of our lungs when the right opportunity presents itself. Laugh like crazy each & every time too!
Love both of those films… :100: Just leave them be.

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Nintendo announced the Switch 2. Looks like bigger fancier version of the original. Probably will be fun to play. Due out some point this year.


Yeah my oldest just want to know if they are going to make a Kirby edition.

Bry Comics has an interesting Mystery Box for $65 which include an Amazing Fantasy 15 and other big books. Thoughts?



better off just buying a scratch off ticket


Or just keep your money, which is even better!


The schemers always lure noobs in by that low hanging fruit " you might get ASM 15"…


Odds of getting one of the high end books is 1:250. But considering how many high end books there are out your odds closer to 1:3,000 or so

Mystery packs, exclusive limited print runs, chase entries, etc. are all designed to offload useless product by preying on gambling habits and low-information consumers.


99.9% of Mystery Boxes



What do you guys think about mystery envelopes?

I don’t touch mystery boxes. Nope, nope, No.

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I have not been pulled over in years.

No tickets.

No warnings.

No traffic stops.

I don’t drive like a Pollyanna either, I have a heavy foot.

Went out for my wife’s mom’s 80th birthday tonight, great dinner. Older son in a bad mood causing my wife to be mad. So we are driving away from the restaurant and my wife is talking to my son very loudly in the car. I am trying to figure out where we are going and I have yelling in my ear. So what happens you ask?

I run a stop sign. Right in front of a freaking cop.

Thank god it wasn’t a ticket but I was secretly hoping I would get arrested so I wouldn’t have to be in that car for the ride home.