how did you get off without a ticket?
Just explained to the officer what I explained to you guys. Asking to be arrested and all.
Bry’s selection of books is not great…but this is the next big “gimmick” IMO. Taking what people love about Pokémon blind packs and applying it to comics.
Basically creating larger floppy cards with paper stories attached to them…because let’s be honest, no one is buying these for the stories.
The Whatnot Year in Marvel 2024 were much better books. Foil variants of the years most popular covers and stories. This is far from that…but I think this is just the beginning.
For $75 shipped I’d better be getting three awesome comics…not “store exclusive” quality drek…that’s what these are to me, unfortunately.
I have told my family that over and over. Especially if it involves backing up or parking. I need silence to concentrate. Too much noise and mistakes are made.
To be honest when the cop said “you realize you ran a stop sign back there?” And I turned to him and said “about 15 seconds after I was through it” and said I was trying to find my way from the restaurant to the main road with my wife yelling at my son, I was kinda hoping he would ask if I had been drinking because I would have considered saying yes and refused the breathalyzer so I could be taken in. When I said to him “you can arrest me so I don’t have to drive the rest of the way home with them” I think he knew exactly where I was. It was like a silent “I have been there”.
I’m notorious for turning down the wrong end of one way streets or the wrong side of a median if someone is talking to me….blame is instantly placed on who distracted me…intentionally or not.
Is Hulk 330 Todd McFarlane’s first Marvel cover? If so, I’m surprised it’s so dirt cheap. It’s not, well, great. But still.
I remember getting book that off the rack after school at Thrifty Drugs a loooong time ago.
Wait what?
That was an actual name of a legit store?
Yes it was. I think it was mostly a west coast chain but they were bought out around twenty years ago.
RiteAid here is Souther California still carries their Ice cream brand. One of the best out there.
Yeah, you can even buy the iconic scooper gun to serve it at home just the way they did at the store! I almost bought one last week. Next time I see it I will get it just to bring back some memories.
Made a purchase off whatnot for a book I really wanted. Got it cheap. Whatnot accepted my payment. Seller never shipped it. Money is in limbo. Sent several messages to seller and never heard back. Had to put in a cancelation request.
Ugh, a well-known seller or somebody random?
Oh, for those who use social media, TikTok is currently offline. It’s a whole thing for the younger folks.
It was just a random seller I found that had the book listed in one of their streams. Needless to say it was a book I wanted and as the seller said I got it for a steal, about half of eBay going price
Marvel Snap is also gone since the company that made it is also owned by the company that owns TikTok
My kids are not allowed to install tiktok on their phones due to it wanting way too many permissions and yes, being controlled by a Chinese company who’s probably under direct control from their government. Yeah, no thanks… Sorry Xi, not this time fscker!
Ugh, tiktok is back…
For now, supposedly a deal has been reached with the incoming Trump administration I’ve read. The app can’t be downloaded to your phone currently, but is operating. It is a murky legal water for sure until something official is stated by Trump once he takes office. It’s odd as he was the first one to propose banning it and now he’s coming in like he’s going to save it. The World is confusing.