Odds and Ends

Took the kids to West Virginia to go snow tubing today. Should be a fun day.


My MLK Day/Inaguration Day/whatever was kicked off at 2AM. Our 18 month old Gibson woke us up with a horrible barking cough and he was really just having trouble breathing and threw up mucus. we called 911 and I rode in an ambulance with him to the hospital where they quickly determined it was croup which is like a bad cold with an extra element of irritating his throat hence the weird cough. They gave him some oral steroids and two breathing treatments and he feels a lot better. Got home at 8AM. Once we got home I took a nap. We’ve all been chilling since then.


Glad the baby is okay… My 16 year old just had a nasty cough for past week as well, not much else except the runny nose, but no fever, etc.

One victory away from the Super Bowl!!!


i picked up some cheap base set rookies of the qb just in case he pulls it off

I’m not a big football fan but Washington was my dad’s team so it turned to be my team. Happy to see they’ve made it this far…

Since the ravens couldn’t pull it off. I am now on the Redskin wagon. Commanders sorry. Anyway when the Colts pulled out of Baltimore all those years ago we became Skins fans.

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@davidbitterbaum Croup is going around bad here. I used to get it as a kid and in the spring I still get a hoarse croup like cough.

All they needed to do was get rid of that shitty owner Dan Snyder and now look, they’re relevant again!


Ok. Me being nice. People aren’t just cheap assholes on eBay, they are also cheap assholes on Facebook. I do not know why this woman even tried contacting me.

Seriously, why is it so much? This isn’t a poster (it says annual posters but are expensive prints signed and numbered by a local artist. Never removed from its original tube and comes with all the paperwork. Needless to say I didn’t just pull the number from my ass

Bam. Showed the website where you can still purchase them for $150 more than I am asking (I am selling it for my mother in law but I researched the value)

She responds that she doesn’t have money to buy art as it’s not in her budget but likes black labs and her black lab owning friends might like it. So if you don’t have money to buy art why are you messaging someone who is selling art questioning the price???

I hate people some times (most of the time) I was nice though in case her lab owning friends are interested


I’ve weirdly had people ask why something is expensive before, I explain why, they say, “Oh, okay,” and buy something. Like, they’re either testing me or want to be sure my price is normal? Just odd, you don’t ask at Target why something costs why it does. Wait, can we?

Sure but I’m willing to bet everyone one the floor won’t know, that’s gonna be some exec head over purchases that manages how much things cost…

My kids very often had viruses turn into croup. Two things that work:

  1. Humidity. We’d literally sit with the kiddo on the bathroom floor at 3am with the shower on at the hottest level. Get the room super steamy and humid. That will help if they run into breathing difficulty. They now make humidity breathing devices that might make this easier.

  2. Cold. Docs would tell us to bundle them up and go outside (again, often at 3am) with the kid. The cold air will significantly reduce inflammation in their airway, making it easier to breath. “In a pinch, open your freezer and have them breathe in the cold air from it for a few minutes.”

We did both, and both helped.

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I recommend that instead of wasting water…

Thanks, Joe. Doctor had very similar suggestions with the freezer, humidity, etc. He seems to be doing a lot better. Maybe had some roid rage as he was throwing a fit for an hour for no reason until a nice warm bath relaxed him. Kids are so fun.

[quote=“davidbitterbaum, post:3261, topic:6064”]
My MLK Day/Inaguration Day/whatever was kicked off at 2AM
[/quote] Mine too… that’s around the same time my kid started throwing up. Was up until 6am… We watched Cars 1 & 2.

If they gave him steroids, maybe that caused it but more than likely if they ran him trough two treatments of albuterol breathing treatments that is what did it. My oldest would do the treatments and a few minutes later just go nuts with energy.


who ever he is playing that 1st app book is about to explode

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