The app is like inviting the Chinese Government into your living room and allowing them access to your entire world spread out on your coffee table. It’s just a stupid app to install and use… unless you give two shits about privacy.
Never used it; and sincerely doubt I ever will
I’d say from most of the videos I’ve seen linked, it’s just mindless stupid shit, just making America dumber and more glued to their phones while the world is on fire!!!
And never build a business that relies so heavily on a 3rd party platform or app… for all those reports of businesses who say they’ll suffer or go out of business if it’s banned…
I do not have it on my phone. For these very reasons.
Kids don’t have it either.
should ban temu to than,
Oh no. The Chinese now know I like thick Latina women.
id rather have china know what cat videos or thick comps anthony is watching than elon being able to access any and everyone’s dm’s on twitter, which saudi arabia gave him the money to buy
lol the TikTok ban has nothing to do with China. If it did, China wouldn’t be allowed to manufacture our sensitive electronics, social media platforms wouldn’t be allowed to sell their data to China, etc.
Google’s known this since 1998 dude…
Manufacturing hardware is completely different than say, an app that has access to your photos, storage, recording devices on phone, etc. But what do I know, I’m just in tech and deal with million dollar systems in the security sector for my day job…
So does my wife now.
And so does the rest of the internet now.
lol. We saw a comedian the other night say it. Said “the Chinese have access to my data, what data, everyone knows I like thick Latina women”.
Well, most of the data is useless but there’s still a shit ton of stupid people who have power that other nations would love to get their hands on… My time at the DoD, you’d be amazed that the incompetence going on there. I can only imagine some turd muffin has Tiktok installed on his phone that’s prying eyes on really sensitive data that could be used to an advantage.
So yeah, for the average Joe, they don’t give two shits but then again, there’s a lot of average Joe’s out there with access they shouldn’t have access to.
She knew long ago after I told her…
Narcissism ad nauseam is what it all boils down to. Pass me the barf bucket.
Inauguration Day & OSU National Championship Game
Uhhh… MLK Day is what got me the day off, so I’ll be celebrating that today!