I was wondering when we’re going to talk about these tariffs
In the grand scheme of things, comic books prices are just a grain of sand in the world of economic problems this will create.
Nonetheless a lot of shops will be closing and it’s going to cause havok for publishers.
I have 7 packages going to the USA that I have to drop off at the post office tomorrow. One order is over $400 and I’m wondering what’s going to happen when it crossess the border. Will the buyer be slapped with an extra $100 in duty?
If only our government didn’t cuck to corporations and allow them to outsource our jobs and means of production to other countries. Tariffs wouldn’t mean that much.
These tariffs more than likely won’t be around too long. All countries involved are posturing as expected and more than likely we will see compromises sooner than later…at least with Canada and Mexico. The Chinese tariffs will more than likely stick around a bit longer unless it affects the Chinese economy particularly hard. If might though, because China isn’t doing spectacular right now. How knows, but those may take longer.
My big concern is if prices do go up due the tariffs when they are lifted some manufacturers may just keep the new high prices or give a wait and see approach on if those higher prices hurt overall sales numbers with units sold.
Times are a little different. I don’t think anyone wants 10 months. Trudeau won’t be around much longer and I doubt he wants this hanging over his legacy. Mexico has a new President and plenty of their own problems so I don’t think they can withstand to much more dumped on their plate. That being said, don’t see anyone bending over and taking in the shorts but I can see a fairly quick turn around time with moderate compromises made to get everything going smoothly. Just a guess. We will see.
Only because we’d already be paying higher prices that we charge for our own goods. Not saying you’re wrong, just that US consumers have been living cheap and liking it for a long time.
I am not very optimistic where this going, but if anything it will be an interesting experiment…
I’m thinking we’re going to see a lot more Shrinkflation to present the illusion items are not increasing in price as much as they are…and yes, there isn’t really any coming back from that…
What we should really do is adopt the metric system now and no one will know what the hell things used to be, and whether they’re paying more or less for the same thing!