Dinosaurs are cool. Especially T-Rex’s whose only weakness is their little arms…
I read the issue 13 of FF. It was a while back, but thought it was fun. We’ll see where this goes, but we if anything I see toy potential for smaller kids. Sort of like those marvel transformers mashups….but cheaper because there’s not two licenses being paid.
That’s the point, I think. Many may see it as a lack of ingenuity or originality and that’s fine. I see it as old fashion silly fun…have at it and see where it goes. I can see it being like a zombie-verse type thing…maybe get a limited series. I don’t buy anything marvel anymore except a cover here or there…but I’d pick that up.
Wait until the skins come out for Rivals though…oh boy.
Holiday so I figured I would hop in the jeep and drive an hour to a shop having a sale that I don’t normally frequent. Get all the way down here and find they are on break for the next hour.
Edward claimed that the killer was protected, as the suspect’s brother was a Mason, and that some of the murders were linked to the ‘three blood oaths’ of the group.
Not following why this suspect was protected…something about his brother being a mason?!
What does that have to do with anything?
Unless Mason is the name of a family? Article doesn’t explain.
From my understanding, Masons where/are a cult. They where big in the 1800’s (even today dependingon who you ask). If you where a Mason, people knew not yo F with you cuz you knew higher ups.
If you knew that secret hand shake, you could get away with almost anything.
If you have some free time, lesson to Theories of the 3rd kind on Spotify.
I did some research on Stonemasons one day as I was bored and despite lots of rumors, they’re basically a social club and charity organization. That or they hide a bunch of nefarious doings well behind all the charity, some would claim.