Odds and Ends

Pray for me, I am working on my taxes.



In the words of the great ed norton & ralph cramden, dont forget to include the money you made on the skinny chicken and the horse with a clock in its stomach when doing taxes.

And make sure you sign your return :wink:

I have my reading glasses on while I am looking at the google sheet of expenses.

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Them comics need to be listed now. Gonna pull mine and list.

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Got these bad boys today!


Nice stuff!

Are you going to break them down and sell them as packs or put together sets

I think I’m going to hold for a bit and sell the sealed boxes. There’s a new flood of these on eBay now because all of us who bought these from the last kickstarter are getting them. It’s so tempting to open them though.

So in 10 yrs of selling on ebay I have never gotten this. Googled this and a lot of other Canadian sellers have gotten the same thing this week. Best guess is that the Trump tariffs come into effect on Tuesday and packages could be on hold like China. FFS

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yep, cross border packages are gonna be all messed up for a while

High school tryouts start today for my little guy.


How did “Big Pappi” do?

Just realized this morning that Godzilla Monsterpieve theatre #1 1:10 homages Tom Petty.


Godzilla will NOT back down.

He’s running down his dream.

He’s not just another face in the crowd of monsters.

Watch out for free falling debris in his wake.


Friday was my last day at my corporate job. I’ve worked in IT for almost 35 years, with the last 15 years being in cybersecurity. I knew for quite a while that I’d like to “retire” early. It really wasn’t until about 8 years ago that I saw a path forward to do this between paying off bills and saving money whenever possible. I’m well short of the typical retirement age so I’ll still be working but on my own terms, not chained to a laptop during “core business hours”. My wife and I have run a “side hustle” reselling business for the last 25 years selling on ebay and renting space in co-ops. I’m planning to lean into that business more, I may end up working longer hours to make ends meet but I truly believe I’ll be happier and hopefully healthier. Curious if anyone else here has made the leap or is getting close or planning?


@LanLubber i have thought about it a lot. My only concern is my insurance from my job is really good and I hate to give that up.

@Gbess still have Monday and Tuesday to go but he will be fine. I am not worried. In fact we went out for ribs last night to celebrate getting through the first day.


Insurance is a big concern as well. I’ll end up paying Cobra for 18 months so I’ll at least maintain the same level of insurance during that time, although at the cost of a small mortgage payment.

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Was let go after 38 years (I’m now 60).
I, too, was concerned about health insurance.
But after 6 months of COBRA and unemployment ending was just approved for Medicaid in NY. So in other words after paying an abysmal amount with sharing the health load with my business, I now get healthcare free. No premiums, virtually no copays, etc…
Don’t want to make this anything other than the facts, but with all the federal and state assistance out there for food, heating, healthcare, these Feds & state make it easier to not work, than TO work. It’s really not right imo, but I’m not complaining. I’m just taking it; or else someone else will take.