Odds and Ends

For at least 38 years you paid into that system, no shame in collecting against it.


yea if you’ve dedicating your life to working and have paid, deserve something back


Yea… I hear ya.
I just wish collecting from a system I put into, involved actually making an effort to work.
If I started working, now, for significantly less, I’d be absolutely fine with what is coming.

But if I work F/T, even at minimum, I don’t get anything listed above. That’s just wrong imo.
“Reward” people, but reward them for trying. Don’t penalize them for working at much much much less than was at previously. I dunno - that’s just me.


On a fun side note Aubrey Sitterson contacted me about his new Image Book Free Planet and is sending me the ComicsPro version of the book. Excited about that.


I’ve had my eye on Free Planet from the catalog. Seems interesting and right up my wheel house. Are you going to post a review?

I have read it already. It’s a good book. Check out his website. There is a preview there. https://aubreysitterson.com/

The book was really done to be enjoyed in physical form. That’s one of the big things Aubrey said. I like physical over digital so I cannot wait to read it when it’s in hand.

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Had so much on my mind this weekend, I hate to ask, but what else was optioned this weekend, I know Impact Winter but thought there was something else

My daughter (turned 13 last week) tried out for Vball. She has an athletic build and natural ability, but really a home body. But she said she’d try…and I said it was just as much out seeing if you like it as if they like you. So just have fun. But it was 90 kids trying out for 20 spots…and one day. so yeah no chance, but I have a feeling she wouldn’t have liked it because she’s never liked team sports because of the yelling (tried soccer, tried lacrosse…just not for her). I can’t get any of my kids to like sports, lol.

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Let’s see…turned 50 last Nov. my youngest won’t graduate college for another 10+ years. I’m think I’ve got some more time yet

But I do think about early retirement….A LOT. As so many of my co-workers have made that leap well before retirement age. I’ve been maxing out my 401k since I was 21 and I’m starting to get the itch…but there are a lot of things I want to experience that I would need to not have a job (or not a 9-5/M-F job) to do…and I’m not sure I want ti be doing them at 60 or older…so we’ll see.


My son Joe loves to play team sports. Good kid. Loves to be physical. He plays basketball and baseball. Doesn’t play for the high school basketball team as he does his job well but just didn’t want to try out for the team. He had a game today. This clip shows off his physicality. He rebounds puts up a shot and rebounds and puts up another shot while being smacked in the face by another player from the other team. So… he gets a little revenge. Now note he only hits the ball not the other player but they still called him for being aggressive.

There was another play later where he kept being pushed by the other team so he finally said enough was enough and pushed the kid back. Kid had words but Joe had more and the kid ended up walking away from a confrontation.

Funny thing is in real life he is quiet and shy. Not aggressive. Never been in a fight.


One piece of advice I can give you is if you do want to retire before 59 1/2 invest some money outside of a traditional retirement (IRA/Roth/401k) fund in a regular taxable account. I met with an advisor years ago that gave me that advice which was key in being able to pull the plug early.


I’m working on fast tracking mine now… I wanna retire or get really close to it by 52 (6 more years) or so… 55 is my current max age goal but hopefully sooner but even if I don’t fully retire by 52 to 55, I’ll be doing contract work and side hustles probably. I’m prepping to live on very little money and still enjoy life, most big spending will just be vacations and traveling. Girlfriend is great at finding free or cheap events and entertainment. Our goal is to go in on some land and house together so we have almost zero bills except utilities and necessities.

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Yup, I got 401k, IRA and IRA ROTH along with my own investments and other accounts earning 4-5% on average (the cash on hand type of accounts). IRA alone unless you started right when you started to work and kept it consistent doesn’t really add up to a whole lot by today’s living.


Any retailers here going on a shopping spree at diamond?


Maybe send them back to the publishers if you owe them money would be better business.

Anyone have any idea who this artist is? The one with the T and O, the other is Peter Steigerwald. He was long time colorist with MIcheal Turner but this book is 2012. It is from Aspen though.

Marcus To

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Well some good news for Canadian eBay sellers, unless you are unloading some pretty major books there is no changes for shipping to US.

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pretty sure a printing order is more than 800 for a comic issue. penguin orders more than 800 in asm issue for example. i know you mention ebay, but wholesale prices are about to increase 25-50%

Yes, the cost of comics in general will have to increase in the US (unless it is printed in US), but selling single issues on eBay should remain unchanged for cross border shipping.