Odds and Ends

Something is killing the gamers, eh?

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Apparently, he is in a bad way. Peter David has written some amazing stories. Here’s hoping he’ll be alright.

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I saw this and donated already. I am a big fan of his first run on X-Factor. Hope he gets the help and relief him and his family need.


The New Mutants 2


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In my picks of the week this week I had a B-Side Comics book that looked really interesting called “The First Seven Days” as my small press pick of the week. Turns out it was a secret book solicited in Diamond by Bad Idea Comics. While I still think the vagueness of the book based on the solicitation is interesting, I apologize to anyone who was duped into buying a Bad Idea Comic.


You didn’t know. It’s okay!

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I want to see Cocaine Bear vs. Shirtless Bear Fighter.

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How can diamond get away with soliciting a book that isn’t available at most retailers?
I get that bad idea is creating false hype to boost fomo. Was diamond duped? Dont retailers order direct from bad idea? The integrity is falling fast

that I am not sure of. I know Bad Idea solicited the book in Previews the same month they had the story in the previews catalog. It was under B-Side and not Bad Idea.

I believe because the comic was solicited via diamond it was actually possible for any comic store to get it even if they are not taking part in Bad Idea. The whole twist was that nobody knew it was actually a Bad Idea Comic.

Can anybody shed some light on Combo Packs for me? I just bought a copy of Green Lantern #20 Combo Pack variant, and it arrived in a sealed single poly-bag. I’m not in the US, I thought Combo Packs were the Wallmart packs where they put multiple copies into the same shrink-wrap, is that incorrect?

the combo pack is the physical book itself and in the book you get a digital code for the same comic, dc experimented with it for a bit from 2011-2015

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Got it; thanks!

The print runs of the DC combo packs on average are quite a bit lower than the regular editions.

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Yeah, something like 3%-5%? About as rare as modern newsstands around then?