Odds and Ends

This sums up what we use to do with the groundhogs and probably should still be doing…

"They use to pull the hog out and eat it… "


Yeah, F this…I’m putting my earbuds in. I usually like the hole in the wall places too, but Starbucks got me with their star program. I’m a sucker.

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That sucks. There’s a jerk involved, and it’s not you. Really hate this in airports, too.

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Can you imagine if they allowed cell phone calls on planes???


If they allowed that, I would borrow a crying baby to take with me every time I flew… :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s the 2020’s.
Respect, Decency, Manners, & Personal Space awareness barely exist anymore.

I’ve lowered my standard so low; that I come to expect lack of the above. It gets me through the day; else I’ll be angry at 50% of every encounter.


Yup. I’ve been learning to just ignore people out in public. I still maintain the standards of providing others personal space, manners, being decent and respecting them even if they don’t do the same for me.


Unfortunately, I think the concept of personal space and privacy will be fading more and more as communications and augmented reality become more integrated into our every interaction. Soon, everyone will be in their own little universe, and you’ll just drown them out by being your little universe. It’s interesting that as we improve our communication/interaction tech, we also become more and more isolated.

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I was at a Speedway getting coffee today, and someone was literally two feet from me waiting to get to the coffee maker and no one else in the store. FFS why?

Get the F away from me! Sheesh… do I have to tell you

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We’re all flipping the wrong stuff!


I bet none of those are legit sales…


Damn I hope not.
If any are, listen to my head explode

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100% scam listings.


Will they do a foil sand variant to get more cash? :thinking: :rofl:


Tell me you’re laundering money without telling me you’re laundering money.

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I don’t follow football much but did enough to dislike Tom Brady.

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Authenticity guarantee? How does that work for a jar of sand?

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@Anthony and I have been talking about this offline. I found a listing for these Misfits comics at Atomic Art and Music. They are since sold out, but they were $10 each.

Looks like 10Ton Press has some listed as well.

Anthony told me that Rock and Roll Biographies previously had a Misfits comic planned, but it was cancelled or recalled. Can anybody provide any sources or info about that? Also, does this look like the book that was supposed to be released? Is this a bootleg? Either way, I love it. But, I’m just wondering what it actually is I bought.

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The inker sells books at my LCS. I’ll see what I can find out.

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