Odds and Ends

T’Hell with that. Let’s get the real thing going. We’re all in our prime years, right?


I’m down for a CHU cup!

Here are the progress pictures. This was a fully unfinished basement at the start.

18x18 Family room is dry walled and primed, waiting on floors, doors, and outlets to be added. The Electric panel will be hidden behind a door that I have a painting we are putting over the door.

11x14 Laundry room is drywalled and primed. Waiting on utility tub and outlets, Floor will be painted and the ceiling/beams and exposed brick and ceiling will be painted.

11x7 Bathroom has not really started yet. They need to drywall still, and pretty much everything else.

My side is all storage now which sucks. But is fully drywalled in, outlets installed So no pictures of that yet.


I’ve been a weekend warrior with home repairs and home improvements for awhile.
I tend to screw up things more than I make them better, but that’s for another day.

I wanted to put new drywall over my cinder block basement as well, but never considered actually framing out the 2x4’s a few inches away from the cinder block. It appears that was approach due to the waste plumbing, but I suppose it can be done even without the need to hide plumbing.

Good stuff there! Impressive

For the bathroom it is a gap to allow for plumbing and all. In the main room it’s framed up to the concrete blocks. I am not handy and would have botched this all to hell.

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But this is the basement Poyo complains about being chained up in.


Where did you put him during all this renovation?

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Chained him up in the shed.

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No internet out in the shed?. Haven’t seen him post in a while.

He gets a slop bucket only. No internet. Always talking about some crazy universal time or something like a mad man.

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@Anthony Very exciting and I’m happy for you. When the wife and I decided on our “forever home”…a finished basement for my collection and hobbies was a “must” on the list. Wife could have anything else, etc…didn’t matter, but I had to have that.

Please keep showing the progress! I know how much you’ll love having it. It’s the place I can go to get rid of the troubles of the world and I’m sure will be the same for you.

I’m cold… :cold_face:

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Where did you hide the phone?

If I tell you, you’ll confiscate it!

So about remodeling and handy work. Get this, been in my house since 2007 and here in Central Texas (those who live here know), we get huge water bug (aka roaches most call them) from time to time. Yes, basically roaches that are huge. So huge, you can sometimes hear them scurrying along from another room.

So anyways, I’d see them occasionally, one year it was really bad, like one per night and 90% of the time I’d see them around my stove with the microwave above. Just figured, they go for crumbles of food and such, that’s where the messes tend to happen more often.

So a few weeks back I replaced my hanging microwave and low and behold, behind the old one is just this huge gaping hole (basically a square cut out the size of a softball) the previous people at some time cut out and figured, no reason to patch, the microwave will cover it up. Wrong, it’s part of external wall to house so you know what that means, that was the effing hole these roaches were just casually coming in through because since I did the right thing and patched it, I’ve seen zero effing roaches.

I would love to meet the person who decided to just leave the wall unpatched and smack them for being idiots.

I also recently just redid girlfriends place with all new floors and baseboards along with a lot of drywall fixes, patching, etc. Handyman work is fun…


I am doing handiwork. Supervising it.

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That’s the most stressful job, when it’s your money and you make sure they’re doing it right…

Just curious if anyone has read Comic toms book, Crashdown? is it worth reading?



Quick question- during basement or home renovations what do people do with their collectibles and comics? Thinking of having some renovations done here on the house- redo the basement, maybe an extension. Do you put it into a storage container in your yard (too hot, too cold, humidity may destroy the books etc), lug up the stairs (assuming you are not renovating the rest of the house) store in a bedroom or lug the short boxes to another storage room or bedroom in house?

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