Odds and Ends

There are only dancing roaches outside or at other peoples homes nowadays… They’re no longer welcome in mine! :wink:

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Garage for me

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We moved everything to my side so I didn’t have to move any of the comics. Just all my wife’s crap is over there too now.

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With a lot more people recognizing the value of collectibles were you at all concerned that the contractors may have seen it in the house?

No. Not at all. My super expensive books are put away. These guys are good and it’s a legit company.


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I just stash them in the guest room or even in my bedroom when I have lots of boxes at my house—it’s kind of weird waking up encircled by boxes but you get used to it when you learn how to walk through the maze. You might consider a storage unit if you don’t have enough free space in casa.

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Thanks for the suggestions

Stashing them in guest / bedroom is what I was thinking also but going to the bathroom at night while walking in the dark through the maze is quite the challenge. :rofl:

Storage units these days- there has been many stories of units being cleaned out of collectibles lately.

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I’m really glad to see Hallows Eve keep popping up.
I know I’m clearly on her bandwagon & have made that clear, but I’ll continue buying her first appearance anytime I find it. Good character, good design & Marvel isn’t letting her slip away.


Anyone know when mycomicshop usually lists their new books?

Usually after 6 PM east coast and variants hit Wednesday morning.

But if you were looking for BP

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They had talked about being a distributor in the past. During the Covid shut down people were looking at them as an ordering platform.

The UBP1 corner tip tears along the seam are more noticeable on the bottom corner tips than the top on every copy. Here’s a picture if it loads.
Never mind, it doesn’t allow me to “embed” a picture.
“Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”

You can upload to IMGUR and post a link?

My copies are beautiful. I didn’t see a tear. Might send one off to CGC and see if I get a 9.9 Mark Jewlers label.


I can see the tear on your image at the bottom tip, especially when you blow it up for a closer look.

Here’s a link to two of my copies bottom corner tips if the link posts.

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Ugh. What a drag

I didn’t notice them yesterday until I saw the post about MCS’s and went back to look closer. All 3 copies are the same. Fanned micro tear on the bottom tip, the tops aren’t as noticeable unless you look closer. I just held a magnifying glass in front of my camera to help it show easier.