Odds and Ends

It was a dollar Canadian, so like $0.75 USD :grin:

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Options die, most are 6 months to a year long I think on average.

I’m down for anything from Coogler and Jordan!

And then they get optioned again…it’s like reincarnation!

It is not Killadelphia, good lord…


Most options have built-in extensions clauses, so you just pay to keep it. I’ve worked on films that have had 12+ extensions to the options on the underlying properties, and I doubt that’s unusual. Typically initial term is 18 months.

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yea i tweeted at creators and he said no 4-5 hours ago

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Also, think about it.

Warner Bros is only making DC comic movies.

But rightfully so…Warner Bros wont even make a Spawn movie, arguably the biggest comic IP in the past 35 years…why would they drop down a few notches for other characters set in the Spawn universe ?

I have a feeling this movie is either based on a video game or an original idea.

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Two words… Todd McFarlane

Nobody wants to touch Spawn because Todd wants full control. Spawn is actually not that bad when other people other than Todd write it. Nobody wants to fork out the dough when Todd is demanding he’s director and got his hands all over the project/script, etc. If Todd gets his way, it’s DOA more than likely.


If it wasn’t set in New Orleans (even though they said 30’s) my money would be on Bitter Root

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Deadline posted the news with this:

“In a highly competitive situation, Warner Bros has landed a deal with writer-director-producer Ryan Coogler and star Michael B. Jordan for an untitled new movie based on an original script by Coogler.”

Might not be based on any comic currently if that statement is true and it’s an “original script” by Coogler.

If they picked New Orleans as base city because that’s where the story originates, then I can’t see Killedelphia nor Bitter Root as potentials unless they’re changing it around a bit just for the movie. Be silly to do a movie called Killedelphia in New Orleans… New Orlelphia?

Strange Academy! Gaslamp! Wohoooo! Let’s goooooooooo :slight_smile:
Wishful thinking of course. WB and all…

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Speaking of Strange Academy, have you guys seen the latest prices for a cgc 9.8 of issue 1? This was such a hot book back during the pandemic with spec sites pumping this like crazy. I still don’t have a copy of the first print and would occasionally check ebay and have it on my watchlist. I got an offer for $150 for a cgc 9.8 first print. Didn’t pull the trigger, still too much :grin: These pumped spec books have been tanking like crazy.


Thank god I sold all mine


with no new issues prices dipped

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Main room floors in

Don’t mind the rug it is not staying there.


Laundry room painted.


That’s one trippy rug!

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Is that Pro Core laminate?